Monday 30 May 2011

Three Writing Reads

There is a new story idea a brewing. Well, not entirely new. It’s a ghost story that over the years morphed into a young adult novel. Now, this novel’s opening had everything but the kitchen sink thrown in (dead parent, absent dad, ghost, teenage angst, journaling, love interest handsome (really crazy handsome) boy in it. The agent who pointed this out to me a couple of years ago was very, very right. Very. It took some time and distance from the manuscript to really see that. Basically it was a whole bunch of ideas jammed into one book. No wonder the middle got so darn mucky and tangly. AnyHOW I am digressing (shocker, I know). I have pulled one idea from the pile that was in that book and am working it back into a middle grade novel. Oddly enough it is the original idea--the one that came from a dream that I_still_ remember. A dream that scared me silly (or sillier depending on you pov).

Came across this timely post at Somewhere In the Middle (she’s also one of the Marvelous Middle Grade Monday gang who does a fabulous round up of middle grade posts every week!)

somewhere in the middle: She's Crafty: Creating Tension

The next writing read is a recommendation to check out The Plot Whisperer Blog (and she has a book coming out!).

Plot Whisperer for Writers and Readers

And do check out her YouTube series too (link is on her blogspot).

And rounding this out with a blog that is new to me, found it thanks to the fabu Jan Markley of Three dead moths in my mailbox ... (btw, check out her latest post on characters)

Who Ate My Brain? <<could the name be any better? and his content is kinda GREAT, too!

Happy reading...Happy writing.


  1. Thanks Deb. I always enjoy your links. May your new idea (or old) make a wonderful middle grade book.

  2. I was just looking at The Plot Whisperer Videos/Blog today! Thanks for the writing book recommendations you left in the comments on my blog post.

    Also, hooray for Middle Grade Mondays. One of my crit. partners (Solvang Sherrie) does that with you. Small blogging world. :)



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