Tuesday 31 May 2011

Three Writing Reads

 A great post on practice, practice, practice when it comes to our craft, plus I found out about a book I didn’t know about called IF YOU WANT TO WRITE By Brenda Ueland. Here’s Lori’s post: L. H. Walker: The Way Forward is Practice
 This next post gave me goosebumps. As I read I knew what she meant about not writing to the market. I also had running around in my head a book I’d like to maybe possibly write--deals with suicide--sort of shoved it aside, cause well, it scares me a little (okay alot!). So, I get to the last line in the post:

“This is what you have to offer the world: Yourself. Put it on the page, even if it's scary.”

Like I said...goosebumps.

Here’s the post:

Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent: Write Your Truth

The Writer Coaster: Goodies! There is a link here to recommended to watch vid series on story structure! Going to be doing that later today, but wanted to share it now.

Happy Writing!


  1. Yes, Brenda Ueland's book is a classic.

  2. Wow! You are all about providing resources. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog! I look forward to following.

  3. Excellent advice from Ms. Gardner. Thanks for the enticing links!


  4. I think it's important to always be reading a writing book along the way as you write. Off to read Rachelle's post!

  5. Ueland's book is one of my favorites. Glad you found it.

  6. Wonderful links indeed! Thanks for this. Will check it out. I feel that those thigns which scare us the most are those which would likewise reward us deeply and profoundly (that is, if it doesn't kill us in fright or anxiety hahhaha)

  7. Catherine...yes on the book! Started reading it and whoa...
    Hey again Pam...glad I found your blog, too. It's a treasure trove out there!
    Welcome Molly thanks for stopping by.
    And yes Elle on reading about writing as you do the writing!

    Glad I found it too Carmela--and glad there is kindle so I could get it right away. Thinking though I should order it for the library...

    Oh man, Myra here you, lol!! Being dead from the writing fear not going to do us much good, lol!



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