Thursday 5 January 2012

MG Read-a-Thon Day 5 and Day 4 Round-up

Read-a-thon Day 5 (tad late with the update. Slept in! I guess I can't say I never sleep in anymore, huh?)

Day 5 is upon us and the reading is moving along, although I've slowed down some. Will be starting a new book today. And it was not on my original pile. I received an e-galley from Net Galley on this one. It's from Source Books Jabberwocky and can tell you now I'd just have fun holding it up to show kids and saying...Zeke Bartholomew...SUPER SPY!

 I'm looking forward to tomorrow I must say. That and Sunday will be my big read-a-thon days. I am hoping to gorge myself with words.

Might be a bit early for this, but I wanted to let you all know that I've enjoyed doing this so much, I am planning on doing an OH (MG/YA) Canada READ-A-THON in February. Thinking it would be a good way to kick off Oh MG/YA Canada 2012. Basically will work the same as this one, only the focus will be on reading Middle Grade and Young Adult written by Canadian Authors. Will be working out the initial details next week, so I can have signing up ready to go the following week.
Happy Friday...and Happy Reading!

Speaking of signing up for reading type things. I'm in for Mr. Schu's and Mr. Sharp's It's the Newbery Challenge (might I add, stress free, build your list, do your reading, diy--_stress_ free) 

DAY FOUR ROUND-UP!  For those just happening by or following along, still time to sign up join in the fun. 



  1. There are some great books on today's round-up. I loved Our Only May Amelia, Young Fredle, Inside Out & Back Again. Jacob Wonderbar is certainly entertaining.

  2. Oh it's great to see the new selection of books being read. I got busy with other things lately so reading STARFIELDS is going slow. I'm half way through though.
    Should be done later today or early tomorrow.

  3. More good looking books I should check out! I'll have to see if I have any Canadian authors already in the house, I'm trying to whittle away at what I've got rather than buying new, I'm overrun! :D

  4. I ahven't read any of those, but will have to see if my library has any of them.

    Am currently reading Neversink by Barry Wolverton (really good so far). =)

  5. I have loved being part of this and seeing other titles to add to my TBR list!

    I just finished Catching Fire-the 2nd book in The Hunger Games trilogy. OMG! Why is life getting in the way of me starting the 3rd book? :)




Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...