Tuesday, 31 January 2012

2012 WIPMADNESS and Angelina C. Hansen

The fabulous Angelina got #wipmadness rolling again in January. The following is her kickoff post:

Angelina C. Hansen: A little 2012 WIPMADNESS Anyone?:

I'd highly recommend reading her Monday check in posts (and the comments too!) for inspiration and that push to carry on into February. If you've never taken part-it might be something to try.

In March Denise Jaden will be hosting the annual biggie for #wipmadness. It's crazy good time of writing, inspiration, daily checkins, prizes, being in cyber with other writers. So do watch out for that!

And I am happy to be the host for February. I have a major middle grade rewrite I am working on, plus the first draft of a picture book and I'm taking a course.

Still a day left in January so...go #wipmadness team GO!!! See you all on Monday for the first February Check In.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-Skyfall by Michael Dahl

Do you ever start reading a book and you just know it's going to be good? And you are right. In fact, the book gets better and better as the plot flys along, twists, turns and takes you on an adventure filled ride that makes you feel you are right there with the characters? Skyfall by Michael Dahl is such a book. If you are not afraid of some late night battles for the planet, complete with trolls and other scary moments, this book is for you and your kids.

More from the publisher's website:

Far above the small town of Zion Falls, the stars fall from the sky. Deep below the sleepy city, an ancient evil awakens. Caught in the middle are four teens with hidden powers beyond their wildest dreams.

Of course this book had me from the description, so it was great that it did not disappoint my inner 10 year old. And happily there are more in this series. Very glad I was still able to read this in adobe reader. Thanks to Stone Arch and Net Galley!

Ready for some more middle grade marverlous-ness? Head over to Shannon Messenger's blog
to see who is talking about what books. You can also click here for my list of MMGM posters. Happy blog hopping and growing your middle grade to read piles!

Speaking of growing your to read piles or in this case...reading them. I'd love if you could join in for a read-a-thon. OH MG YA Canada to be exact. Going to spend a week (Mar 4- March 11) reading middle grade and young adult written by Canadian Authors. You can sign up now and I will be adding suggestions (in case you are looking) of authors and books to read throughout February. There is another Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon taking place in June so stay tuned for that, as well.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-POPULAR CLONE by M.E. Castle

Here is the book: Meet Fisher Bas: 12 years-old, growth-stunted, a geeky science genius, and son of the Nobel Prize-winning creators of the Bas-Hermaphrodite-Sea-Slug-Hypothesis. No surprise: Fisher isn't exactly the most popular kid in his middle-school, tormented daily by the beefy, overgrown goons he calls The Vikings. But he senses relief when he comes upon the idea of cloning himself--creating a second Fisher to go to school each day while he stays at home playing video games and eating cheetos with ketchup. It's an ingenious plan that works brilliantly, until Fisher's clone turns out to be more popular than him--and soon after gets clone-napped by the evil scientist Dr. Xander. (fr. IndieBound.Org)
Here is a review from Kirkus:

POPULAR CLONE by M.E. Castle | Kirkus Book Reviews

Here is the website: The Clone Chronicles by M.E. Castle

Here is my advice: Get thee on a library waiting list (or recommend your public library purchase this one). Or go get your own copy January 24. Why? This was a totally readable middle school novel about dealing with bullies and believing in yourself no matter what, that kicks in with some good humour and over the top science and invention that had me wanting more with each page turn. (whoa, long sentence?) Fisher hates school, hate it and would do anything to not go. When his parents aren't convinced he should be going to Stanford quite yet, Fisher comes up with another plan. Makes a clone! The log notes Fisher shares as he creates his clone are hilarious and the ground work the author lays out for you prior to this is wonderfully done. You will not doubt for a minute that Fisher can do this. Take all of that, mix in some espionage and a build to a climax that is thrilling, shocking and fast paced. Just the kind of climax that requires a super hi-tech hero, Fisher Bas, his clone, Two and a pet pig who flies.

Here is a list of bloggers who've been known to share some MMGM marvelousness:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey

Monday, 16 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-Eliot and the Goblin War by Jennifer A. Neilsen

To start us off to day, I am sharing the first sentence of Eliot and the Goblin War by Jennifer A. Neilsen (a fellow From the Mixed Up Files blogger!), illus. Gideon Kendell:  "As of today, there are only seven children who have ever read this book and lived to tell about it." Seriously, how could you not keep reading. And how fun is that to read out loud to whatever group or child you may be sharing with? Plus, you're a fan of Roddy Doyle's (Giggler Treatment) humour, I'm pretty sure you'll like this one. 
To wet your appetite a little more here is the description from Indie Bound that takes you beyond the first line:
As of today, there are only 7 CHILDREN who have ever read this book and lived to tell about it. 95 CHILDREN successfully read the first chapter, but upon beginning chapter 2, they started BLABBERING in some language known only as "flibberish." 38 CHILDREN made it halfway through this wretched book before they began SUCKING THEIR THUMBS THROUGH THEIR NOSES.
If you're VERY BRAVE, perhaps you are willing to TAKE YOUR CHANCES. Be sure that you have told your family who gets your favorite toys if you DO NOT SURVIVE this book. Read it now, IF YOU DARE. But don't say you haven't been warned, for this is the story that unfolds the MYSTERIES OF THE UNDERWORLD.

In other words, be brave be very very brave. I am an adult. I survived. Barely. But-I will not tell you to not read this book. Why? Because it is too good not to! Besides, if you want to read the next in the series, I recommend reading the first. Will help justify booking yourself a bed at the St. Phobics Hospital. More about Eliot and the Pixie Plot from IndieBound:
An entire floor of St. Phobics Hospital for Really Scared Children has been set aside just for readers of this book. You may wish to take a minute before you start reading and reserve yourself a bed there.
As you read, you may begin to understand myctophobia (mic-tofo- be-a), or the fear of darkness. However, do not expect this book to help you with arachibutyrophobia (a-rak-i-something-be-a), the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
If you can't get yourself to St. Phobics, then get every lamp, flashlight, and lantern you can find and drag them into your bedroom. Turn them all on. You'll need them until you're certain there is nothing lurking in the dark. At least, that's what Elliot wishes he had done.

Wish me luck as I venture into book two. I shall return!

Check out more MMGM Marvelousness:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental NovelistShannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe 
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn

Gina Carey

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Oh MG/YA Canada Mini Reading Challenge-Sunday April 29- Sunday May 6, 2012

"Oh (MG-YA) Canada" Reading Challenge

GOAL-Read as many middle grade and young adult books by Canadian authors as possible from a Sunday to Sunday.

WHEN-Sunday April 29- Sunday May 6

HOW TO PARTICIPATE-Add your link to the end of this post to let me know you will be taking part.  Read what you can in an 8 day time period. A book a day, every other day, or it might only be one or two. It is up to you. 

GIVEAWAYS- participating gets you one entry into the prize packs being offered, so far I will be doing Janet Gurtler, Judith Graves and Courtney Summers.  Earn extra entries for comments on daily posts letting me know what you've been reading (one comment per post).  

In case you are wondering about some titles, authors, here are some possibles and a link to a round-up of great Canadian Reads I did a while ago:

Just Deb: Thankful (and recommending) my recent Canadian reads.

I will be blogging my Canadian author love throughout the months of February, March and April to help you grow a TBR pile for the read-a-thon.

You could take a wander through past interviews and features.

And some authors off the top of my head, there's many many, er, many more, of course:
Courtney Summers (will be doing a C/S prize pack)
Judith Graves (win both of her books)
Rachna Gilmore
Margaret Buffie
Janet Gurtler (have two of her books to giveaway)
Kenneth Oppel
Arthur Slade (anything by him, frankly)
Lena Coakley
Tim Wynne Jones
Lesley Livingston
Helene Boudreau
Kit Pearson (great historical fiction)
Eileen Cook (so excited to read her latest book!)
Shane Peacock (can you say a Sherlock Holmes as a boy?)
Joelle Anthony
Cheryl Reinfield
R.J Anderson
Erin Bow
Danika Dinsmore

AND-here is a list of more resources for you to browse through (when you're not reading, that is!)


Friday, 13 January 2012

Shannon Messenger Cover Reveal for Keeper of the Lost Cities.

It is made of awesome! Do head over and let her know what you think @ Shannon Messenger. It has been beyond cool following along on her journey. CONGRATS Shannon!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon-Final Round Up, Winners & the next read-a-thon

I'm so grateful for everyone who stopped by to share what they were reading and am so looking forward to carrying on our dialogue in the months to come. Now, just in case the time flies by on us and we get busy with out other blogging and reading adventures, I've picked the dates for our next Marvelous Middle Grade Read-thon. This time it will run from a Sunday to a Sunday.

NEXT Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon : Sunday, June 3-Sunday, June 10. Hope to see some of you again and say, bring freinds, your kids, their friends!

BUT (gads, am I sounding like an infomercial?) I am not waiting until then to host another read-a-thon. 

Next up is one for OH (MG/YA) Canada. Here's the deets so far:

"Oh (MG-YA) Canada" Read-a-thon

GOAL-Read as many middle grade and young adult books by Canadian Authors as possible from a Sunday to Sunday.

WHEN-Sunday March 4, 2012-Sunday March 11, 2012

HOW TO PARTICIPATE-I will be create a separate post with a Mr. Linky to sign up with. Read what you can in an 8 day time period. A book a day, every other day, or it might only be one or two. It is up to you. 

GIVEAWAYS and "RULES"- participating gets you one entry into the prize packs (TBA) being offered. Extra entries for sharing what you're reading either by commenting on my daily posts or writing your own post. If you read three or more MG or YA books from Canadian Authors, that will get you another entry. If there is anything that is unclear please email me justdeb AT debamarshall DOT com

Alright, time for the final round up for our Marvelous Middle Grade read-a-thon.

Charlotte of Charlotte's Library did a round up of her reads for the week:

Charlotte's Library: Middle grade read-a-thon wrap up

I did mine yesterday and am still in fact finishing up three books, including Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu, which is going to be one of my favorite reads of this marathon.

If you've loved doing this and don't want to leave Middle Grade too far behind, do check out Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays that Shannon Whitney Messenger started. Each Monday we talk about favorite middle grade reads, do interviews, share brand new books, look back at the classics.

Seeeoooooo....I should probably announce the winners of the giveaways? Have them all done--well, after having Charlotte win on of the books she was donating for the giveaways....yep.




1. ARC-13 Gifts by Wendy Mass, The Whole Truth by Kit Pearson, Wildwood by Colin Meloy

ERICA from the Book Cellar The Book Cellar: Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon

2. The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes, ARC of Liesl and Po by Lauren Oliver

Shannon Ms. Houghton's Class 

3. Signed copy of Latasha and the Little Red Tornado by Michael A. Scotto

Akoss Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me

4. Signed copy of Latasha and the Little Red Tornado by Michael A. Scotto

 Charlotte of Charlotte's Library

5. e-copy of  Fright Flight by Lisa Ard

Eric of Book Man

6. e-copy of  Fright Flight by Lisa Ard


7. The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards 

The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

8. Fairy Lies by E.D. Baker.

The Space Between

9.THE FOURTH STALL and THE FOURTH STALL PART 2-by Chris Rylander Goes to:

Heidi Geo Librarian: Marvelous Middle Grade Readathon

10. HERO'S GUIDE TO SAVING YOUR KINGDOM by Christopher Healy goes to

Teril and her kids SNARKY MAMMA: Middle Grade Read-athon 

Congrats everyone! I will be emailing as well so I can get your snail mails.

Until next time...Happy Reading!

Middle Grade Read-a-thon Final Day and It's ooover!

Good Monday morning all! Thanks so much for taking part. Later today I will be back with the final round-up of all the books we read and announcements of the winners of the giveaway! I am reposting my reads from yesterday (basically the whole post). Did me a little sleeping in this morning. Have a great day and see you all this evening! Oh, one more thing....it is MMGM and Shannon W. Messenger is giving away a copy of Bread Crumbs by Anne Ursu. I am currently reading this beautifully told tale-I'd say get over to Shannon's and get thee entered in that giveaway!

                            The Fourth Stall by Chris Rylander
-has a real Stand by Me vibe to it
-Mac is one cool kid, readers will like him, alot.
-strong believable characters with adults way in the back ground (well, except for the fabulous playground scene when Mac and Vince were kindergartners). so. well. done.

Juniper Berry by M.P. Kozlowsky (started this one instead of Billionaire's Curse which is on my ipad, my eyes needed a computer break)

-would say good for fans of Series of Unfortunate Events, Coraline, Spiderwick Chronicles. I'd hand this to someone who is also a fan of The Grimm Sisters

Blizzard of Glass by Sally M. Walker 
This came highly recommended from a co-presenter at a reader-writer con, fortunate enough to snag the ARC from her, after patiently waiting and desperately hoping no one else took the second copy!  From the author's website: This riveting, true story of a collision of two ships in Halifax Harbour in 1917 will appeal to readers on many levels. First, it is a gripping tale of a collision that resulted in damage not only to the ships, but then to the town as an explosion erupted from the munitions carried on one of the ships, followed by a tsunami, and massive fires and flooding. As the townspeople attempted to recover, a snowstorm and huge drifts further complicated the terrific damage. Secondly, it is a glimpse into the life and culture of the period. We learn about the daily life including the schools, homes, and telegraph station, as well as Canada's efforts to support England in World War I. And finally, we see the disaster unfold from five very personal viewpoints. - Leigh Geiger, Ph.D You can also check out the Kirkus Review here.

Still working on finishing these ones (included my so far thoughts), but won't be done before midnight.

LOVE-would pair this with Rick Riordin's Books, Cinda Chima Dragon's Heir and the other two in the series my brain is too tired to think of. King Arthur retold, reinvented and oh so well.

First off, love his writing style! So many spots I wanted to stop reading so I could say to the hubs...oh! listen to this. And, it's funny, relatable, fast paced. I'd be booktalking this one along with The Invisible Tower and words like "So, who likes Percy Jackson, 39 Clues" 
what beautiful storytelling

MMGM-A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park

As I was reading for the Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon, I felt like I was back in "the day" when I would prepare for a series of school visits. I would always want to go in with new book talks and be reading the books I knew kids were, so we could connect and talk after the visit. (And of course a good way to build trust I found, I could more easily recommend other titles based on what they told me they liked about their favorites.

One of my all time favorite reads and book talks was for Linda Sue Park's A Single Shard.From Indiebound:Tree-ear is fascinated by the celedon ware created in the village of Ch’ulp’o. He is determined to prove himself to the master potter, Min—even if it means making a solitary journey to present Min’s work in the hope of a royal commission . . . or arriving at the royal court with nothing but a single celadon shard. A beautifully told tale about a boy's journey and determination to become a master potter. Kids know what it is like to want something as badly as Tree-ear does and they want him to succeed as much as he does. It's a tale of adventure and survival, too, a story of of the underdog the hero.

Speaking of journey's! As you travel cyberspace today do check out the MMGM crew along the way.

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental NovelistShannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe 
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Sherrie Petersen- Write About Now 
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn


Sunday, 8 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon-Final Day and a Round Up!


We are the last day of the read-a-thon.

A quick up-date from me then will be back with more later. I am now reading FOURTH STALL by Chris Rylander. By the time I hit page 20 I was off and running with a wow-yet another book can't wait to share with kids. I am thinking fans of Gordon Korman (ie School, Toilet Paper Tigers) and Andrew Clements (any of his) in particular. And, thought you all might like to check out the Great Kid Books blog. You know, just incase you are looking for more middle grade to read and share!

Great Kid Books: ages 8-12

And, must not forget Charlotte's Sunday Fantasy and SFF round-up!

Charlotte's Library

Following is our read-a-thon round up:

Friday, 6 January 2012

Middle Grade Read-thon Day 6 and Day 5 Round-Up

Happy Day 6 of the Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon. It's been a fabulous week of seeing what everyone is reading and celebrating Middle Grade! Day six post is a short one to start us off. I am going to be coming back through out the day to update what I've finished, what I've started. Pretty excited about this. Have some old books that have been in my to read piles for too long and have some brand new ones that are coming out in the next couple of weeks (ones I've been looking forward to).

EDITING TO ADD- wonderful blog to check out. Totally missed this one in the initial post. Will add it there...and here!

The O.W.L.-Outrageously Wonderful Literature From the Middle Grades

Not sure if I've mentioned this, one thing I want to do this year is start a book club for 8-12 year olds in the small community I've moved to, hopefully it's  up and running by the next read-a-thon we do. I'd love to involve them.
Round-up Day 5

And Shannon is discovering the amazing of the Hunger Games. It really is a series that crosses all reading interests. I know boys, in particular (one 12, one almost 13) who don't like to read, er, except for those books. Or, I should say didn't like to read--with them Hunger Games was a gateway book. I'd also recommend her Underland Chronicles, a middle grade fantasy series. I had a young girl in another book club years ago. She didn't like to read she told me. I told her it was okay to come to the club, maybe we'd find something she liked someday. Well. Gregor the Overlander stepped in and boom...she went from not taking away any books I took in to wanting to be first on anything I booktalked. (Oh, I didn't book talk Gregor, she found that one on her own, I always encouraged her to wander around the shelves, pull books out, try it, if she didn't like it or couldn't finish it that was _okay_.)

You can still sign up for this read-a-thon and all the giveaways as we are reading until tomorrow at midnight (mst).

Hah! And that's a short post from me? Cheers and Happy Reading All!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

MG Read-a-Thon Day 5 and Day 4 Round-up

Read-a-thon Day 5 (tad late with the update. Slept in! I guess I can't say I never sleep in anymore, huh?)

Day 5 is upon us and the reading is moving along, although I've slowed down some. Will be starting a new book today. And it was not on my original pile. I received an e-galley from Net Galley on this one. It's from Source Books Jabberwocky and can tell you now I'd just have fun holding it up to show kids and saying...Zeke Bartholomew...SUPER SPY!

 I'm looking forward to tomorrow I must say. That and Sunday will be my big read-a-thon days. I am hoping to gorge myself with words.

Might be a bit early for this, but I wanted to let you all know that I've enjoyed doing this so much, I am planning on doing an OH (MG/YA) Canada READ-A-THON in February. Thinking it would be a good way to kick off Oh MG/YA Canada 2012. Basically will work the same as this one, only the focus will be on reading Middle Grade and Young Adult written by Canadian Authors. Will be working out the initial details next week, so I can have signing up ready to go the following week.
Happy Friday...and Happy Reading!

Speaking of signing up for reading type things. I'm in for Mr. Schu's and Mr. Sharp's It's the Newbery Challenge (might I add, stress free, build your list, do your reading, diy--_stress_ free) 

DAY FOUR ROUND-UP!  For those just happening by or following along, still time to sign up join in the fun. 


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon Day 4 & Round-up for Day 3

Morning everyone! Hope you are still enjoying our MMG Read-a-thon. I know I'm loving hearing what you are all reading and rounding them for others to check out.

I am starting off day four with The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies.  I actually started it last night after finishing up with the fabulous that is THE FAMILIARS. Not quite sure what I will pick after I'm done with Lemonade War, but possibly it will be I FINALLY by Wendy Mass. 

For today, I thought I'd share some of my favorite middle grade blogs. Naturally I love all the MMGM crew! Here are some others :

From the Mixed-Up Files...


Charlotte's Library

Smack Dab in the Middle

Welcome to my TweenDom (she's on break right now)

The O.W.L.-Outrageously Wonderful Literature From the Middle Grades

If you have some particular favorite blogs that have a focus on middle grade I'd love to hear about them.

Next up, the round up! Here's what's been read and is being read. As per, still time to sign up for those who'd like to jump in on the middle grade reading wagon and commenting with what you're reading gets you an extra entry in the giveaways!

Hunger Games a title that a grade six teacher is sharing with her class, AND she's getting the T-Shirt to wear as she reads! AWESOME!

Something I need to do this year is read more non-fiction for kids. That's what Dana has been doing for this, so needless to say my to read list is already started! 


Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...