Monday 27 May 2013

#Wipmadness May Check In Week 4

Week four? Did I really just type that? This month did fly by. And this last week especially so. It was so busy I did not get any of my #wipmadness-ing done. This includes taking the time to see what you are all up to, cheer you on, commiserate...yeah...sorry for that. I did the bit of more than can chew thing. I am now thinking back to how some of you said that you were slowing it down and enjoying the slowdown, some of you shared your crazy busy time and how you were looking forward to the slow down. So I am thinking this week must be about...






I can handle the crazy busy. Yep. But if I let it go on too long it takes over the organization and focus that allows the ability to manage it. Er, at least that is what I think I think.

That is my goal this week, slow it down. Pick the really important things (one of which is, _seriously_, hanging and writing/reading/blogging with all of you).

That is way enough about me. What about all of you? How was your week? News to share? Aha moments? Moments of peace and quiet, breathing space for those of you doing the last bits of running around before the beginning of summer? School is out in June in the States, right?

Finally. All my best to all of you South of the border on your Memorial Day.

Next week our very own Kim is up to bat for our weekly check-ins. See you all there and thanks for stopping by here this May.

Ta for now.


  1. I had an a-ha moment this past week with my WIP that's off at beta camp. The ending (well, about 75 pages of it) has been bugging me for weeks. Something just felt *off* but I couldn't put my finger on it. I started on a rewrite of those pages and things really seem to be clicking. So yay! I am hoping to send my alt-ending off to camp in another month or so.

    1. Nice!! I love it when that happens...good luck with your alt ending!

  2. I can't believe this month is almost over! I had high hopes that I'd get through this revision by the end of the month, but it's not looking good at this point. I did make some good headway, though. I'll see what I can do in the next few days...

    1. Good luck with these next few days, Denise!

  3. My writing group decided to start daily checkins on Trello. One hr a day. Not to crack the whip, just to inspire. I wrote an hr every day last week! Except Sat and Sun, during which I was in a canyon. I feel good about the revisions, AND I had fun. Which is the most important part.

    1. I like what your group did, Lora! Revisions and fun....that's where to be.

  4. Another month almost over??? Yikes! Thanks so much for hosting, Deb. I always appreciate being able to check in and see what everyone's been doing, even when I don't have anything of my own to report.

    It seems like every time I've been at the computer lately I've been checking real estate listings for family members who will be moving this summer. And this past week has been one of visiting, gardening, viewing houses, and otherwise not writing. At least, not writing anything significant. My goals this months weren't impressive to start with, so I don't feel too guilty, but I really did expect to accomplish a *little* more than I have. There are still a few days left in May so I'll see if I can make up a little lost time.

    Wishing everyone else a good week. See you next Monday at Kim's.

    1. See you at Kim's next Monday too! My bet is you have gathering and growing stories in your head. They are waiting to be planted and tended over the summer.

  5. Wow, this month just flew by! Thanks for hosting, Deb!

    My one thing I'd like to slow down is just to sketch in time for me. To say, 'no' more and not feel guilty.

    This month I was involved with homeschooling and putting in 20 hours each week of scoring essays. Now I'm burned out. After I finished that last test? I just took time to read a guilty pleasure: People magazine and not stress over not doing anything on my never ending 'To Do List'.

    Next month hope to get back into the swing of things by writing this sequel without feeling I have to make excuses to do so. **You'd be surprised at how some people think since I homeschool? I do really nothing all do and then get 'upset' if I don't return a call or rush out right then to deal with a drama moment(yeah, I'm speaking of the mother-in-law who lives less than 5 minutes away).

    1. Nice nice and nice on the People Mag and taking time for you. Here is to you doing more of that. Welcome on the hosting and looking forward to hanging out at your spot in June.

  6. Thanks for hosting, Deb! I've been somewhat MIA on the wipmadness scene this month (how is it the end of the month already?!). I made progress on my WIP -- not as much as I would've liked, but I'm okay with that...still moving forward. ;)

    1. Moving forward, always moving forward...that is a good place to be imo. Way. to. go!

  7. What the what?

    Where'd you go, May?

    Thanks to our lovely host pulling double duty, I added a good amount of reading to my writerly efforts.


    Worldbuilding, character & plot development prep for July's Camp NaNo. Turns out my April Camp effort was too epic to be Book One in the series. A subplot started to take over so I've moved it to Book Two. That, of course, means I have to rework the main plot of Book One and it's been a trip. Me likey. I think it's a great sign when you wake up and the first thing that comes to mind are the characters in the world you've created. Sometimes, new ideas come forth from a dream I'd just had. What fun!


    THE FALSE PRINCE by Jennifer A. Neilsen
    THEODORE BOONE by John Grisham
    THE PECULIAR by Stefan Bachmann
    THE FAIRYTALE DETECTIVES by Michael Buckley and Peter Ferguson
    MAGYK by Angie Sage and Mark Zug

    Can't believe I read all that!

    Have a few days left, adding to the list:

    THE LOST HERO by Rick Riordan
    THE RED PYRAMID by Rick Riordan
    INKHEART by Cornelia Funke
    CORALINE by Neil Gaiman

    Love it.


    I get to share all my stuff with you guys. I love this community.

    Hugs to all!


    1. rocked the wipmadness, oh yes you did.

      And...ZOOOM! there went the month. Crazy I tell ya.

  8. Wow, Deb. You have a busy blogging schedule. How do you keep up? Thank you so much for hosting this month!!

    As for me, I wrote plenty over the weekend. Had loads of fun doing so, too. I was just talking to my SCBWI group this morning. Man. There's nothing like the thrill of first drafting for me. The total creative freedom. Love it! It's the aftermath I dread. But for now, I'm sailing through.

    I hope everyone has a super fabulous & productive week! See y'all on my sporadic Twitter check-ins. :D

    1. Boy howdy I hear on the first draft lovin'. Me too. Glad you are sailing through the aftermath.

      Hope your week is a sailing along too!

  9. Yes. I am so out of the loop right now. This week's big news was hearing from my cover artist and having to give my thoughts and input. Yikes! I panicked, then settled down and answered all the questions. Can't wait to see what JULIUS CAESAR BROWN AND THE GREEN GAS CRISIS looks like!

    Other than that, I have no writing news to share. I guess I just ought to admit that I'm taking some time off from writing right now.

    Carry on, Wipsters!

    1. YES yes and YES on that title and SWEET on the cover art and man oh man you are going to ROCK the MG world.

  10. I posted in the wrong place AND late!

    Egads! Where is my head? Can it be May 29th already?

    Ghost Son turned 16 yesterday, so the weekend was full of birthday plans and yard work. I have had an editing job to finish, but I did manage to open my Etsy Store
    ETSY store (though I don't have much in it yet) and I'm starting to think about the WIP again...when I'm not worrying about the MS I just sent to my agent...

    1. Oh my, lol! Your head is trying to keep up with a crazy month that is literally flying by!!!

      Cool on your ETSY store...I want to check it out!

      And eek on the boy and sixteen. Now there are some years that fly by.

      Enjoy the rest of your week!



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