Sunday, 19 February 2012

#WIP Madness Check In-February 20

Last week this post struck a chord with me.

It’s why we and those of you already published keep on writing-you will and do connect with your readers and transport them into the world you’ve created whether it contemporary or fantasy.

This writing work is important and as someone who booktalks and promotes the books you’ve written or will write I’ve seen the impact you have. For that reason I say go team #wipmadness! I know the hard work and passion you all put into this. And even on those days you feel like you are slogging along or not getting anywhere, each time you work around it, push through it’s something to be proud of. Keep on keeping on!

My week was rather all over the place, but I did get some things done.
  • Sent an ms out for the WWA Conference. It was not my novel and synopsis. That was not ready. Did make great progress on it though, made some major cuts and gained some insight into the ms as a whole. One important thing was realizing I have everything but the kitchen sink in it. It needs some big trimming.
  • Revised and sent out a PB to my crit group.
  • Moving along on the course I’m taking, lots of reading and note taking, thinking on paper.
This week I will be:
  • carry on with the writing course, reading, taking notes
  • revisions on Happy Medium, mostly with a focus on simplifying the plot and creating the scrapbook for the town and characters
  • #5minblitz (none last week!)
That’s it from me. Looking forward to hearing from all of you. And…GO TEAM!


  1. This week is a shiny new week and I’ll be treating it as such, by forgetting the slow going and distractions of the previous week or two and starting fresh on the duology (trilogy?). I just need to push myself back into good writing habits. I think part of my distraction is that I offered to beta someone’s work and I’m going kind of slow on that and having a hard time switching from editorial mode to writer mode. But it's still no excuse.

    Last week, I did prove to myself that I could still get the word count, with a Thursday count of 2,800 words for the day; I just have to get back into my rhythm. So really, that is my only goal. Pick my word count back up to my goal of 2,000/10,000/100,000. 2,000 a day, 10,000 a week, 100,000 in 10 weeks.

    Beyond that, I’m waiting on word from a couple places on the other works. One place I may just give up on after a resubmit after the required 6 month wait and a year total of no response. I don’t know what happened there, but I don’t hold much hope for their representation if it takes them a year to respond to a query and three chapters.

    I have a work out to Carina and if it comes back rejected, I think I’m going to do another revision on that one. After writing the Avon thing, I realized there were some things in Rogue 5 that I can improve. I think I’ve got a couple more weeks to hear back on that.

    1. Sounds to me like you've got a good plan...stay in this week/moment and work on and build from the 2800....

      I'd say same on the moving on from the 1 year sub...good luck with the next place you sent it to!

  2. Still chugging along and writing every day! No idea what my word-count is, except that I met my goal of at least 5K for the month.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

    1. Chugging along is a good, good place to be...way to go on the 5k!!

  3. Chug...chug...chug. Last week was all over the place. Slow going, but inspiring nonetheless. Did a lot of thinking through some of the finer points, so the word count faltered a bit. Also had Ghost Daughter things to do, including her birthday (YAY!). This week will be tricky, but I'm not giving up.

    SCBWI conference this coming weekend, where I get to room with fellow wipster JRO! Can't wait!

    Good luck to all of you!

    1. The the time at the con, the inspiration and friendship old and new, too! Next one I head to is in April...Western Washington. Love. it.

      Way to go on chug chug chugging along...and here is to working here and there during your upcoming tricky week. Happy B Day to Ghost Daughter!

  4. Love that post by Shannon Messenger - I was daydreaming about how to connect with one-day young readers just this morning.

    I've had an excellent writing week besides a little sneezy cold that wanted to slow me down but I foiled it. I hit 47k this morning and am on goal. As Ghostgirl mentioned, this weekend is conference weekend, but I'd like to try and squeeze in another 3k to hit 50k before I head out of town.

    I'm at the "in-love" place with this WIP even with all of its very LARGE flaws. If I can make it what I think it is during revisions, it may just kick some emotional booty. Like Shannon Messenger pointed out, if you're going to dream, make it big.

    Good luck to all the progress happening in #wipmadness land!

    1. Enjoy your upcoming conference! And you know, I love the in love stage...even though I know eventually we have to get tough.

      Good luck to you this week too!

  5. I SURVIVED THE WEEKEND WITH MY CRAZY FAMILY! And the beach was awesome and the mystery dinner thing I wrote and orchestrated went quite well. I feel 100 pounds lighter. ^_^ Despite being away from home and out of the routine, I've been up at 5:30 am revising everyday. I've got a six hour road trip today and less than four pages to reach THE END of this change of POV revision. I think I can do this and get a nap. Hope all you lovely wipsters have a fab week!

    1. Way to survive the family!!! and well-done on the mystery weekend! You are so brave... ((hugs))

  6. I truly enjoyed that post from Shannon as well. :)

    Right now, I've been spending more time reading than writing. I know you're supposed to read all you can in your genre, but right now I find myself VERY eager to finish my reading load so I can turn back to writing. Unfortunately, the reading is all crit stuff for friends, so I can't even get a MMGM blog out of it! *wails*

    Two weeks. Two more weeks until I'm back on track. Until then, I'm making notes, but unfortunately, I'm not writing.

  7. Oh, wow, I truly messed up. All day today I've been wondering when the WIPmadness post would go up.

    It went up YESTERDAY morning. *facepalm*

    The tense shift rewrites are what I've focused on, and they've been going well. I'm almost done Chapter 13. As for reading, I finished a regency romance trilogy and I'm on to an urban (which is quickly becoming mid-apocalyptic) fantasy. So, all good over here. ^__^




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