Sunday, 26 February 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-Breathe by Cliff McNish

Happy Marvelous Grade Monday all. It has been a interesting week of slowing it down and taking stalk of how to balance reading, writing and blogging. Now, one thing I know I will always be doing is MMGM. Er, except this week! Ran out of reading time for MG as I have been catching up with some YA reading.

On the other hand I could share a MG I have started to read and am finding deliciously ghostly, scary (really) and kind of makes me think I could pair it with Coraline by Neil Gaiman. That book would be:

Breathe by Cliff McNish. From IndieBound-Jack is not a normal boy. He can talk to ghosts. In his new home, an aging farmhouse, he meets the Ghost Mother, a grief-stricken spirit who becomes very attached to himtoo attached. He learns that the Ghost Mother is preying in the cruelest imaginable way on four child ghosts who are trapped in the house, stealing their energy to sustain her own. Before Jack can figure out how to help them, the Ghost Mother takes possession of his real mothers body. Jack wants to fight back, but he has severe asthma and risks fatal attacks with any physical exertion. It will take all his resources, and his mothers as well, to fight off the Ghost Mother and save the ghost children from a horrible fate.

So, for sure not for kids who like their ghosts funny and scary. The ghost in this one is bad, bad..bad.

Enjoy the rest of you Monday and posts from some of the following MMGM bloggers:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader and Founder of MMGM)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Shannon O'Donnell-
Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway

#WIPMADNESS-Final February Check In

Greetings again fellow wipmadness-ers. It is time for the final February check-in. I hope the past found you all reaching goals, reassessing them if need be and discovering new inspiration to keep you moving a long. My way of thinking makes be believe that even if we accomplish a little of what we set out to do we are still moving forward one word, one sentence, one line revised at a time. And to that I say way. to. GO!

My week was a slower than planned. Got bits of everything done, but realized there was a need to step back from it all and figure out what time would be devoted where.  I work full time. I read, I write, I blog and really must decide what is the most important thing to work on for each. Think I am getting there with making those decisions, which is a good thing because MARCH MADNESS is on the way!

Looking forward to reading about your last week and your goals for the upcoming month when you post them to the inaugural March Madness. I be working on mine and will be ready to post on Denise's blog February 29. Oh, that post will include starting my wip from scratch...

And finally, a quote that struck a chord with me this week.

“If you're having difficulty coming up with new ideas, then slow down. For me, slowing down has been a tremendous source of creativity. It has allowed me to open up -- to know that there's life under the earth and that I have to let it come through me in a new way. Creativity exists in the present moment. You can't find it anywhere else.” Natalie Goldberg

Saturday, 25 February 2012

March Reading, Writing, Reading and Blogging Challenge MADNESS

Wednesday February 29 we are heading into another month of madness. This time it is reading, writing, blogging. Set some goals and do daily checkins (not required, just you'll be entered to for prizes each time you do). I have done this a couple years now and it is fun, intense Plus you will be in there with fellow writers, readers, bloggers! The wonderful Denise Jaden is organizing and leading the charge again, so head to her blog to find out more details and how to sign up on February 29. In the meantime think of some goals for March that you'd like to share when you do sign up. One of mine will be...eek!...start from scratch on a novel of mine. Yep. Out with the draft I have. Also need some writing and blogging goals, working those out still.

Here are the blogs you will be checking in with:

Mondays – Laura
Tuesdays – Denise
Wednesdays – Angelina
Thursdays – Anne
Fridays – Deb

And check out these prizes you will be entered to win:
  • First page critique by agent Katie Grimm from Don Congdon Associates (Courtesy of Angelina Hansen)
  • Ten page critique by agent Michelle Humphrey from Martha Kaplan Agency (Courtesy of Denise Jaden)
  • Advance copy of ARTICLE FIVE by Kristen Simmons (Courtesy of Jaye Robin Brown)
  • UNRAVELING ISOBEL by Eileen Cook (Available to Canada/US only) (Courtesy of Shari Green)
  • Query and 10-page critique (Courtesy of Anne Hale)
  • Copyedit critique of 50 pages (Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
  • OUTLINING YOUR NOVEL by K.M. Weiland (2 e-copies up for grabs!) (Courtesy of Deb Marshall)
  • DARWEN ARKWRIGHT AND THE PEREGRINE PACT by A.J. Hartley (Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
  • Many bookshelf giveaways (Courtesy of Denise Jaden)
Again, if all this catches your eye head over to Denise's blog for more details!

Monday, 20 February 2012

MMGM & Oh MG/YA Canada-Meal Worm Diaries-Anna Kerz

I am taking a page from Ms. Yingling and having my posts do double duty when possible. Today it's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday (brain kid of Shannon Whitney Messenger) and my own Oh MG/YA Canada. (see side bar)  With that said, let's begin!

If you loved Rules. If you loved Waiting for Normal. Wednesday Wars. Okay for Now. If you loved Crooked Kind of Perfect, then I highly recommend you add this book to your to read list. Buy it or borrow, just do read it. This book was recommended to me some time ago. Didn't read it until now. I can see why my friend loved it and why the kids in her book club (middle grade readers) loved it as well. It is real and raw in the pain that Jeremy is dealing with after a horrible accident (that he blames himself for) takes his father's life. But not only that Jeremy is in a new school in the city, struggling to re-find himself and fit in, suffering from horrible nightmares. And then there is Aaron who Jeremy thinks is weird and a pain and he wants nothing to do with him. Hard to do when he is partnered with Aaron for a study of mealworms. As if that isn't enough, Aaron decides that Jeremy is his best friend. That's the last thing Jeremy wants with everything else he's dealing with...the school weird kid wanting to be his friend. The author skillfully and with a whole lot of heart weaves all of these issues together without wasting a single word or introducing a storyline or character that doesn't add to the depth and colour of this novel.

From Indie Bound:Mealworms are small creatures that live in dark secret places. Jeremy is a bit like that when he leaves his home in rural Nova Scotia and moves to Toronto with his mother. Lots of things keep him from enjoying his new life, but the worst is his science partner, Aaron, who is more annoying than sand in a bathing suit. Jeremy is also burdened by the secret he carries about the motorcycle accident that injured him and killed his father. Although Jeremy is haunted by his past, he starts to feel at home in Toronto when he realizes he has some skills he can share with his classmates. And when his mealworm project yields some surprising results, Jeremy is finally able to talk about his part in the fatal accident.

Why did I wait so long to read this? Not sure-but you can bet I am reading her other two books, one of which is a stand alone sequel to Meal Worm Diaries, Better Than Weird.

I got my copy of this as an e-book from the library. I love my library!

Now if you looking to buy, you can also go the following places:

Book Depository (you can get the kindle version)
Orca Books

And of course don't forget to check out even more marvellous MMGM posts from:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway

If you are taking part in the MMGM posts and I don't have you on the list, do let me know so I can add you. 

Sunday, 19 February 2012

#WIP Madness Check In-February 20

Last week this post struck a chord with me.

It’s why we and those of you already published keep on writing-you will and do connect with your readers and transport them into the world you’ve created whether it contemporary or fantasy.

This writing work is important and as someone who booktalks and promotes the books you’ve written or will write I’ve seen the impact you have. For that reason I say go team #wipmadness! I know the hard work and passion you all put into this. And even on those days you feel like you are slogging along or not getting anywhere, each time you work around it, push through it’s something to be proud of. Keep on keeping on!

My week was rather all over the place, but I did get some things done.
  • Sent an ms out for the WWA Conference. It was not my novel and synopsis. That was not ready. Did make great progress on it though, made some major cuts and gained some insight into the ms as a whole. One important thing was realizing I have everything but the kitchen sink in it. It needs some big trimming.
  • Revised and sent out a PB to my crit group.
  • Moving along on the course I’m taking, lots of reading and note taking, thinking on paper.
This week I will be:
  • carry on with the writing course, reading, taking notes
  • revisions on Happy Medium, mostly with a focus on simplifying the plot and creating the scrapbook for the town and characters
  • #5minblitz (none last week!)
That’s it from me. Looking forward to hearing from all of you. And…GO TEAM!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway Hop-Feb 17-Feb 21

What is that you say?
Another giveaway hop?
Yep, yep.

I love going around and seeing new blogs and sharing in the book love, I must say. This one is Random Acts of Kindness and it's hosted by I'm a Reader Not a Writer and Read for Your Future.

So, I am doing the same old same old, with one difference. This time it can be _any_ book of your choice of a book from Book Depository (up to 25.00 Cdn.). So, adult, middle grade, young adult, picture book! If there is a book you've really wanting to get for yourself, a family member, grand kiddo, next door neighbour...I will get it for you. All you need to do is comment and let me know the book you'd like (I love seeing what ever one else is wanting to read/buy). Oh, and make sure it is available from Book Depository.

Thanks for stopping by and...Happy Hopping! << click to return to the hop list

Follower Love Giveaway Hop and the winner is...

First off...I so, so appreciate everyone who took the time to stop by and comment. It was great to see the titles people mentioned, too. One that came up a (quite) few times was Article 5 by Kristen Simmons and  picked...

Kathryn of Mining Kat's Thoughts as the giveaway with with Article 5 with that book. Big congrats to her...the book is on the way!

For those of you wondering about Article 5 by  here is a the description from Indie Books:
New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., have been abandoned. The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes. There are no more police—instead, there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior—instead, there are arrests, trials, and maybe worse. People who get arrested usually don't come back. Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren’t always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it’s hard for her to forget that people weren’t always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It’s hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different. Ember has perfected the art of keeping a low profile. She knows how to get the things she needs, like food stamps and hand-me-down clothes, and how to pass the random home inspections by the military. Her life is as close to peaceful as circumstances allow.  That is, until her mother is arrested for noncompliance with Article 5 of the Moral Statutes. And one of the arresting officers is none other than Chase Jennings…the only boy Ember has ever loved.

Congrats to Kathryn and thanks again to all who entered!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-Zeke Bartholomew: Super Spy! by Jason Pinter

Happy MMGM all! Today I'm sharing the love for Zeke Bartholomew: Super Spy! by Jason Pinter. Liked this character from page one. He's funny, self effacing, great sense of humour and he has a dream. He wants to be a spy. And he has a knack for inventing useful spy stuff. Okay, sort of useful spy stuff that goes wrong sometimes. If he had access to the proper materials and lab I'm sure his inventions would work much better. Needless to say when a spy apparently moves in next door Zeke is ready to do some spying of his own. Zeke is fourteen and ready to chase his dream...even if it means sifting through the garbage. You have to start somewhere. Right? Right. From there things go bad to worse and really worse in a heartbeat. Think life in danger.
Alex Rider move on over, Zeke is on the case, even when he gets so nervous he...hiccups.

From IndieBound: Zeke Bartholomew has always dreamed of being a spy. But when a case of mistaken identity goes horribly wrong, he's thrust into a world of real-life espionage beyond his wildest dreams. Soon this 7th grade nobody finds himself hunted by the lava-powered behemoth Ragnarok, aided by a mysterious butt-kicking girl who goes only by the codename 'Sparrow', while trying to stop the evil mastermind Le Carr from unleashing a device that will turn millions of kids around the world into brainwashed zombie minions. Zeke has always been a zero, and unless he can fumble his way towards becoming a hero, the world is doomed... 
Full of action, humor, suspense, and more impractical spy gadgets than you can imagine, Zeke Bartholomew is a hero for a new generation. The fate of the world is in his hands! (uh oh...)

Very glad I was able to read this one compliments of NetGalley and Sourcebooks.

Enjoy the rest of the day and other MMGM posts compliments of:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental NovelistShannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe 
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway

Sunday, 12 February 2012

#Wipmadness Check In-February 13

Here we are on week three of February #wipmadness. The weeks seem to be flying by. Thought I'd start us off this week with Happy Birthday wishes for yesterday to Judy Blume! From her site:

When I began to write, some people humored me. "You've always been such a dreamer!" Some discouraged me. "Do you know what the odds you know how many would-be writers there are out there?" Some were actually angry. "What makes you think you can write?"

Very glad she did not listen and kept on writing. Sometimes it is just what you have to do.

Spent most of my time this last week working through the articles for the course I am taking. It's with Susan Sipal of Harry Potter for Writers and even though I am only finishing up week one (there are three more to go) I can say I highly recommend it. It's not just for fantasy writers. Heck, I am even learning loads about characters and stakes that I can apply to my picture books!

Spent Sunday night working on my submission for the Western Washington Annual SCBWI Conference. Got one query done and out for a picture book and have two more I am working on for the same picture book, just researching the agents some more to make sure they are a good fit.

Got in just a couple of #5minblitz 's.

For the upcoming week:
-carry on with Harry Potter for Writers course
-create a character notebook for Happy Medium and write a not to be used scene for some of my cameo characters and other secondary's who don't play a bit role in the book ala this exercise compliments of Danika Dinsmore.

Enjoy the week all and keep on writing!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Three Writing Reads and Blog appearance

Been a while since I have done one of these posts, so thought it about time I got back into the habit.
Working on a synopsis for critique session I have at an upcoming conference. I wrote this synopsis as I wrote the actual book. It helps me get the whole story in my head for those times it is simmering away between revisions. I thought it would make polishing the synopsis easier. Nope. At least not for me. That’s okay. I’ve just come to the conclusion working out a synopsis does not come easy for me. Hence I am glad for articles (and his entire website actually) like this one:

My current middle grade is requiring some serious world building because of the level of paranormal in it. I’m creating a whole new movement out of early spiritualism (1850’s) that created Howling Heights (the place my MC, Happy, lives). Was pleased to come across this article today! It has me thinking I need to do more on paper. Out where I can see it, if that makes sense. A lot of what I’ve created is on the computer and in my head. Even thinking that I could create a Spiritualist Handbook (secret of course, because the town founders were baddies).

Most of you are probably already familiar with this next blog. Harry Potter for Writers. I’m taking a course from Susan this month. Kind of love her site. Whether you are a fantasy writer or not you can learn much from what Susan has to say.

Finally, a totally random “thing” from me.
A confession.
I play around with my blog appearance…a lot. Too much. Wondering if there is anyone else out there who does too. I’ve tried creating a separate blog to play around in but always come back to this one. I really need to stop it. I think? Or find another hobby. One that is away from the computer. Gasp. I am sure when they talk about filling our writer well they weren’t meaning stay on the computer until all hours finding the best look for your blog?
Happy writing all!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Follower Love Giveaway Hop

It's time for some follower love. And what better month than February. Thanks to I'm A Reader, Not A Writer and Rachel Renee Anderson for hosting.  I'm going to make this short (ish) and sweet. 
I love middle grade and young adult books. 

I love shopping for...middle grade and young adult books. 

So for my giveaway I'll buy you a, you guessed it, middle grade or young adult book! (up to $25.00 CDN) from Book Depository.  The give-away is international, just be sure Book Depository delivers to you.

The only thing I ask is:

-leave  comment with contact information (email)

-tell me what book you'd like

Happy Hopping to you and here's the link back to the list of participating blogs!

MMGM-Quest for the Secret Keeper by Victoria Laurie

Welcome to another MMGM, compliments of writing and blogging rockstar Shannon Whitney Messenger! Today I am recommending a book that is coming out next week, THE SECRET KEEPER by Victoria Laurie. It was my privilege to be able to read the digital ARC compliments of Net Galley and Random House Books for Kids.

From Indie Bound:
Delphi Keep is awash in activity, and for Ian, Theo, and Carl, their safe haven might be nearing its end. The Royal Navy has taken the keep to use as a hospital and the tunnels running under the keep and the castle are ideal to set up a central communications outpost for the approaching war. The earl is happy to help the effort, but now the keep is no longer safe for the orphans and they must be evacuated to his winter residence.
Ian, Theo, and Carl know that if they're sent away, they'll no longer be protected. But more important than their safety is deciphering the third prophecy. All clues point to a quest. The orphans don't know where they must go, but they know they must rescue the Secret Keeper.
To do that, however, they need to work out who this Secret Keeper is. And what, exactly are the secrets he's keeping?

I will be recommending my library orders a copy of this entire series. We were just talking about good series for middle grade (and I'd go up to 14 on this, depending on the reader-think Pendragon) I will be buying my own, as well. From the opening scene where the groundwork for the mystery and myth is laid and the opening chapter where we are transported to 1940 and the Delphi Orphanage, the 12 year old me was in my glory.  I am a big fan of orphans with mysterious backgrounds taking on the forces of evil. So put those two together and I'm hooked.  The author's storytelling voice sparkled for me. I often found myself reading it out loud so I could hear the tale unfold (true this is!). This is a book I'd recommend for the school and public library of couse--and one that would do well read out loud in the classroom. Set on the world stage of World War Two only adds to the texture and, of course, the action. Fast paced, dramatic...heart stopping. Dark times abound in the real and fantasy world as Ian, Theo and Carl set out to save themselves, the orphanage-all of us! Best part is, beginning February 14, you can hand over all three books in the series to your readers!

And finally. I never read series books out of order, but I started this one before it dawned on me, oh yes, this is a series. I could not stop reading, I was pulled in I tell you. Happy MMGM all. And for your continued blog hoping pleasure:

Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental NovelistShannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe 
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog  
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty

Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey

T.L. Conway
Andrea Mack

#Wipmadness-Check In February 6, 2012

It's time for our first check in of the month! Thought I would start us off with a quote. Found it yesterday, it gave me a wow moment.

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall-Ray Bradbury

Hope your #wipmadness is moving along and you feel as though you've got the upper hand. Had some pretty crazy goals (still do) set for this month and now that I've spent some time with them, realize that I am in need of revising them. To that end I won't be taking part in the PB MARATHON. The one where you write a picture book everyday. What was I thinking? Not sure. On the other hand I have a new PB to work on for 12 X 12. Other #wipmadness success was working on my synopsis for HAPPY MEDIUM and tweaking the opening 5 pages so I can get it sent out to for the Western Washington Annual SCBWI Conference.

Still working on the editor in my head. Don't need her quite yet, so she really needs to back off!

Also got going on taking advantage of small nuggets of time Lora Rivera even came up with a twitter tag for it. #5minblitz. Got two good sessions in on that. Helps quiet you know who.

This week is about:
-working on second draft of the PB mentioned above and getting it to my crit buddies
-finishing synopsis and first 5 for HM
-starting writing course and keeping up

How about all of you? How did it go? Do you have a particular focus between now and next Monday?

Here is to a week of jumping and spreading those wings!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

# Wipmadness-February!

It's time to write like with passion in the month of February and I have two very specific goals.

1) Break down the critic who has taken a room in my head. I've been busier than usual and didn't realize that sneaky editor had moved in and slooowed me way down.

2)Take full advantage of short chunks of time. Five minutes, ten minutes, thirty. Years ago when the children were littles and still at home and I worked f/t and ran my storytelling company and...(well you get the picture) I could grab moments here and there and write. Up until recently I had all day, night, weekends and didn't have to do that. With a full time job, blogging, reading and a few other things I want that skill set back!

So-I am taking a course, committed to 12 by 12 (12 picture books in a year-drafts), AND taking part in Picture Book a Day in February and working on the second draft of HAPPY MEDIUM. It sounds like a lot but am figuring it will break down the critter in my head and _make_ me use full advantage of short spurts of time if I want to get it done and get ready for #wipmadness March with Denise Jaden and her team!

Either that or I am a total maniac.

What about you? Goals for #wipmadness February

Looking back for inspiration in January from Angelina:

Angelina C. Hansen: Wipmadness



Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...