Thursday 24 March 2011

I'm one of the new Mixed-Ups!

Someone pinch me. Actually, don't. This is a dream come true and don't particularly want to be pinched out of it. I have often wished I could blog alongside this particular group of bloggers because I love what they are doing _so much_. When they recently posted they were looking for new team members I wanted to apply, wasn't sure, got a nudge from a good friend and then I applied. And then...


  1. Woooo Hoooooo! A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you my friend! It is very well deserved. :)


  2. Yay! A great great blog! Congratulations!

  3. Deb, this is amazing news. Congratulations.

  4. Thanks Maripat and Terry! It is a great blog and I love what they do for middle books and reading--it's a treasure trove!



Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...