Tuesday 1 November 2011

Three Writing Reads and Nano Day One

First off I hope all of you Nano’ers, revisers, writers, authors are enjoying day one of November and are feeling the work-in-progress love.

I’m currently settling in for a mid-afternoon into the evening NANO Write-In (just me myself and I) with my middle grade novel.

For those curious here is the log line or what could one day appear on a book flap. If the book is even close to what is in my head, that is. Funny how revisions can change the original draft, concept. Any…WHO…here what I hope the book becomes.

HAPPY MEDIUM (The bully Happy is dealing with is nothing compared to the ghost her Aunt is living with, but maybe there is  a way to take care of the ghost and the bully all in one fell swoop or...seance. Seems like a good idea until everything that could go wrong, does.)

I am sitting at 1800 words right now and will be adding more. It’s kind of fun writing along with a care. Not so fun for the plotter, planner, character developer, setting maker who had much of this outlined prior to starting. I can already feel myself veering off the ghostly path as the planner me says “but but but that’s not her name, that’s not what she looks like, that’s the wrong road…!” And that is a good thing. I actually do like surprises. So. I will find a balance between planner me and pantser me. Or should I say…I’ll find a happy medium (har har).

On to the three writing reads!

Looking to add some tension and conflict as you are moving along this month…

Keeping the inner critter quiet whilst telling the story. You _want_ to hear the voice…whether writing in first or third person, imo.

The above link also leads to some other posts that are part of the Open Minds Blog Fest. If you have time tween the writing, they will be well worth checking out or saving for later, including this next one.

Happy writing all!


  1. Love that log line! Have fun with the writing. And thanks for those great links.

  2. I am DEFINITELY reading this when it's published

  3. Thanks on the log line you two.

    And I like the thinking, Michael...when's it's published!

  4. What a great log line. Happy Medium has piqued my interest.



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