Wednesday 9 November 2011

Three Writing Reads and a Giveaway and DRAGONS!

Thoughts on keeping a journal while in the midst of a writing project from Andrea Mack had me thinking about getting back into the habit. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s something I am thinking of making the time for.

That's Another Story: Are You Too Busy for a Journal?

Speaking of finding time…here are some writers sharing tips. I will be looking at this closely as I head back to the bookstore over the Christmas. Will be going from full days to write back to mornings and evenings! Hmmm, may have to rethink the thinking of keeping a journal during it all, lol!

MiG Writers: Making (More) Time for Writing

How does a perfectionist write? How do you get by the clutter and mess of the first draft, convince yourself that you can do it and it’s okay if you don’t do it right, right out of the gate? Check out this post for some insight and tips.

I Thought I Was Wrong But I Was Mistaken | From the Mixed-Up Files...

The giveaway is my own. It’s for Adam Selzer’s Extraordinary-As a reader I loved it for it’s wit and fun and plot twists and of course, voice. It’s one I look forward to recommending to teens. As a writer? I admired the ability to write bit and wild and free (cue music, lol). There is a quality there that I can learn from.

Just Deb: New Release Day GIVEAWAY-Extraordinary: The True Story of My Fairygodparent, Who Almost Killed Me, and Certainly Never Made Me a Princess

Now. On to DRAGONS. Over on FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MIDDLE GRADE AUTHORS I put up a list of some of my favourite books that have dragons in them. All middle grade if you’d care to check it out and add some of yours that would be great! Now I am thinking my next book has to have a dragon in it….or maybe the ghost of a dragon?

Here There Be Dragons | From the Mixed-Up Files...


  1. Lovely. Dragons are some of my favorite creatures, too...a shelved ms of mine has a very humorous dragon in it who tended to steal scenes instead of gold!

  2. Hi Deb! I enjoyed your post!
    Popped THE MARBURY LENS and the page from PASSENGER in the mail--enjoy!

  3. I haven't read any of those dragon books. Will have to check them out.

    For anyone looking for adult fantasy with dragons - Robin Hobb is fantastic.

  4. Didn't realize you were a mixed-up fileser, Deb. Hopping over there to read about dragons.

  5. A ghost of a dragon would be very scary. :D

  6. I'll check out these links.

    I used to be a journal junkie, but now I barely journal. I miss it.

    I'm getting better at finding time (or making it) to write.

  7. too on the journal junkie...I wrote every day, at least two pages, a lot of times more. And boy I hear you on making the time to write!

    Yep on the ghost of the dragon's now ticking away in the back of my head, tick, tick...tick...

    Thanks for stopping by Don Michael! Yep on the mixed up filer...I fit in on a very literal level!

    Yay Kristen, thanks. And it a scene stealing dragon!

    Checking out Hobb's books Danika...thanks!



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