Wednesday 2 November 2011

Confessions of a NANOWRIMO

Let's begin, shall we?

I backspace.

I correct spelling.

I stop to think how I want a line to sound.

I don't keep typing at all costs writing down anything that comes into my head ('course I am more than capable of that as this post is showing)

Of course all of these confessions could be because the story I am working on was outlined and developed before I started so I feel confident in the fact that I will finish the first draft of this book. Haven't reach that point of I need to just get anything on the paper point.

One last confession:

I totally used NANO as an excuse to gorge myself on candy yesterday. Called it research for when my MC does that midway through the book. SERIOUSLY!

Ramblingly yours,


p.s. anyone else have some NANO Confessions? 


  1. Have to forgive a fellow back spacer! I just can't help myself doing that either. Good luck, Deb.

  2. Lol about the candy.

    I backspace and correct spelling. I keep telling myself to do it later, but I do it anyway when I draft.

  3. Lee and Medeia..back spacers unite I say!

  4. Ha, ha, I raid my kids Halloween candy in the name of writing fuel... I also backspace and coreect spelling. Yesterday I even reread my work and fixed some verb tense issues I was having. But I do keep writing. Thanks for your post, it made me laugh.

  5. Thanks for stopping by Coreena...and _yes_, lol...I totally reread some stuff yesterday, moved some scenes around, checked tense!

  6. You're funny, Deb, which is why I missed you last week at lunch. And you missed out on hot waiter dude. Seriously, what were you thinking???? :D

    My NaNo confession is I'm not doing it. I'm planning my new novel and finishing editing my other one. December will be NaNo for me. Oh wait! There's that little issue of the kids being off school for 10 + days. Darn it!!!!

  7. So did your research work? How did you feel? :)

  8. Thanks, Stina, lol. Yes...I heard about this waiter...Happy December writing. Twould appear we have the weather for the season already.

    Elle...oddly enough a scene grew out of me joking about doing that! And now I can draw on the sickly over suger-ed what was I thinking feeling.

  9. Happy NaNo Day Five!

    OMG I love your confession about the candy. AWESOME.

    Hopefully the initial excitement is still going strong, but if not I've come with a toolbox of inspiration. Ready?

    First, quote of the day: Don't give up what you want most for what you want right now.

    Second, NaNo Tip of the Day: Don't forget to reward yourself. It is often easier to notice our lagging word count numbers than to notice how far we've already come.

    Good luck!!! Just keep writing!!!

  10. Day 26 and I confess that I bottomed out at just over ten thousand words. Not giving up yet but I'm a looooong way from 50 thou! Could that be a song title? Time for another cup of tea...*wanders off*



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