Thursday 6 October 2011

Three Writing Reads and Following Your Passion

Today I read the words from a draft.  I write, therefore I revise. Some good advise from Rhonda Helms can be found here:

Wynter Daniels: Thursday with an Editor - Rhonda Helms

And a new (and already favorite) blog on the block has a Writing DNA post they will, er, post every Thursday. Well worth checking out and adding to your list of reads.

Sleuths, Spies, and Alibis: Writing DNA #2

Rounding out the writing reading this morning is a wow post.

Adventures in Children's Publishing

Recently came upon the following blog. What the author is doing inspires me, not to do the same, but to always remember the power of thinking outside the box, following your passion. He's struck a chord with the book itself, imo, but with me as an artist who can be a wee bit timid, second guessing....anyhoooo....

Noblemania: Stand by your man(uscript)


  1. Love that title-stand by your manuscript! :)

  2. Ohhhhh, you know from my reading my post today how much these words mean: I write, therefore I revise. Yep.



Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...