Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Friends Along the Writing Trail and a Giveaway

As some of you know Mark and I just returned from a backpacking trip. Tiring but incredibly awesome and what really struck me were the things that reminded me of my writing journey. And of that the most striking was a moment when we met a couple from Paris. They are avid hikers. They have a home in the Alps that they vacation at so they can hike. They love it.


We met them standing on the side of the trail wondering if they should go on. They really, really wanted to but they were afraid. You see this was their first day hike in The Rockies, Banff in particular.  
Way out of their hiking comfort zone because of all the signs and warnings about bears. They got more and more nervous as they went along. We talked to them for a bit, explained that this was a well travelled trail and that a bear will most likely go the other way if they hear you coming and the chances are pretty slim they would encounter one. Not to say they wouldn't. For example about 700 meters up the trail head we started on {different from the one this couple used} they was bear...poo. A few days old. Small bear, most likely a black bear. There was a posting about it. Here is my face. Bear Poo!!

Course I am fooling around, wasn't really scared, lol.

Anyway the point of this story? The couple asked if they could walk with us. We said of course! As we walked along we passed others coming down the trail. Their confidence restored they eventually felt comfortable moving along on their own. We were a little slower, okay ALOT slower with our packs on. They thanked us. Said they never would have gone on if not for us.

I've got family, friends, fellow writers and so many others I've met along my writing trail who've helped me push on when I was out  of me comfort zone and afraid of carrying on. So here is my thank you to all of them and all of you who commented on my previous post about adding another weekly post to the blog. Something that comes from me and is me and goes beyond a "meme".  This is ME (I swear this is the last me I will use) being me

So on to the giveaway.

Have you a special writer friend who has helped you push through when fear has taken over or is at least knocking on the door? 

Care to share? 

AND if you tell me who it is/was, I will get you each a writing craft book of your choice. This giveaway will last until September 15. Sept 16 I will pick the winners!


  1. Yep. And she makes me laugh A LOT. Kristen Lippert-Martin and I share parallel writing lives. She's my go-to-girl when I'm teetering on the edge.

    Thanks for sharing your hiking experience. I'll be sure to be on the lookout for bear poop next time I'm in the woods. ^_^

    1. Yay for writing friends....! Welcome of the hiking share, do watch out for bear poop. It's kinda cool...lots of berries in it.

  2. Well, of course! No one has ever helped me on my writing journey as much as YOU! I still have a long way to go, but knowing that you're always available to hold my hand makes the road all that much less scary. There is no one I would rather share this writing/life journey with than you! Oh, and no need to enter me in your draw...I just wanted to share my little story of my special writer friend. ~~ Gisele :)

    1. Oh man...thanks, G! You know as I typed this post you were exactly who I was thinking of. Could not have a better writing journey pardner that you. And I am totally entering you in the draw.

    2. Aw, thanks ! It so sucks that we live on opposite sides of the country! :)

  3. My special writing friend would be Alice Faye Duncan. She doesn't blog or tweet, but she is an award-winning author who has had five picture books published. What makes her special is that when we met, I was a self-published author, yet she never made me feel any less than herself as a writer eventhough she had been published by Simon & Schuster, MacMillan, and Zondervan. As a matter of fact, she has always treated me as if I were some big-time writer simply because I had published my own book. And through the years (we have known each other for ten) she has always pushed me to keep moving forward. I don't know where I'd be without her encouragement.

    Thanks for letting me share that, Deb. :)

    1. Sounds like she is a treasure of a friend, Linda! Thanks for sharing her with us....

  4. Mine was Paula Morrow, editor of Ladybug and Babybug. We've lost touch now, but she was my instructor when I signed up for the course through the Institute of Children's Literature. I learned so much from her, including how to critique other people's writing, and her encouragement kept me writing during the difficult period in my life known as graduate school. I wouldn't be where I am now without her.

    Or with the fabulous ladies of my critique group, or my wider network of writing friends.... How cruel, Deb, to make us choose just one!

    1. Oh man, I've received a couple of critiques from Paula...she is amazing. So amazing to have her as an instructor through ICL!

      I know on making you pick, lol...even as I typed this up I thought of so many friends who've helped with the writing along the way I thought, "And I'm asking these guys to pick one?!?" Bad Deb!

  5. I'd definitely be the person scared of the bear. I'm not sure you'd convince me to go on.

    My critique partner I met at SCBWI has helped me SO much with my manuscript to help me make it stronger and to keep me going on during those low points when you get those bad critiques. Been there a few times and she's always helped me figure out how to fix the problem and to have confidence in myself as a writer.

    1. LOL, I hear you Natalie...

      How cool on meeting your crit partner at a SCBWI event! Sounds like a friendship to treasure.

  6. Backpacking! How awesome. I'm a huge outdoor person and I've always wanted to go backpacking but never have, as of yet.
    This was a great post- just last night I met for the second time with my writing group where I've met my dream critique partner. I was so discouraged I almost gave up writing, but she not only showed me my "problem" areas, she gave me hope. Her name is Regina S., and she has an agent but her first novel wound up being DOA because of timing and market demands.

    1. Whoa, glad you met that person, your dream crit partner! It's funny how the right people can come along for as during those much needed times.



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