Monday, 28 November 2011
MMGM-26 Tips for Surviving Grade Six by Catherine Austen a shout out to Charlotte of Charlotte's Library. She posted her round-up of middle grade fantasy reviews, news and more yesterday. This is a regular read for me. Hope you make it yours!
Alrighty then....on with MMGM! Another big thanks and a dozen cupcakes to the fab Shannon Whitney Messenger for leading the charge.
26 Tips for Surviving Grade Six by Catherine Austen is a series of connected short stories headed told in third person follows Becky throughout her grade six year, from her wish come true to have someone her age living on her street to Christmas Holidays away from _everything and everyone_, to a birthday party that threatens a best friend relationship.
From Good Reads:Becky wrote the book on getting through grade 6, but these aren't the kinds of tips that come from school books or teachers...
Forget social studies, math, and science - this hilarious new novel is about surviving some of the real problems tween girls face. Honest and heart-warming, the story follows 11-year-old Becky Lennnox over the course of the school year as she figures out how to survive friendships, first crushes, embarrassing parents and annoying older brothers.
Delightful and spot on for the middle grade experience. Becky is a believable character whose voice and personality come shining through. No small challenge when writing in first person, in this writers opinion. And what a fun choice for a mother daughter book club. Laugh out loud funny and great opportunities for moms to share their own sixth grade experiences as they flood back after reading this. The author has managed to capture the reality of a today kid with a universality that will speak to the old day kids (like me). Yep. Kind of liked this one. I interviewed Catherine last week as part of her blog tour (there's still time win a copy of 26 TIPS and her YA dystopian ALL GOOD CHILDREN btw). She's also the author of another middle grade, WALKING BACKWARD. This one is on my ipad waiting to be read. Back tomorrow with my thoughts on ALL GOOD CHILDREN. Enjoy the rest of your MMGM and do check out the rest of MMGM-ers. And for those of you Nano-ing...write ON!
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Shannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Sherrie Petersen- Write About Now
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Sunday, 27 November 2011
The Book Cellar: YA/MG Fantasy Reading Challenge
Here is a little bit from the site:
I thought it would be fun to have a YA Fantasy Reading Challenge for 2012 with the objective to be read 10 YA or MG fantasies, any type be it high, urban, epic, etc that will be released in 2012.
Every month I will have a post for participants to link their reviews and there will be monthly giveaways picked from those reviews. Reviews can be posted on a personal blog or Goodreads.
To find out more head on over, check it out and...sign up!
The Book Cellar: YA/MG Fantasy Reading Challenge:
Friday, 25 November 2011
Tangled Tides Washes Ashore
As for the side I am choosing? Well...Sirens! They sing, they love the warm and they can control the weather. I love all kinds of weather and have a fondness for the stormy blowing kind. So powerful!
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Catherine Austen Blog Tour and a Giveaway
Today it is my pleasure to welcome Catherine Austen to the blog. She's a mighty fine author of picture books, middle grade and young adult authors. And, she's Canadian so I'm adding her to my OH (MG/YA) Canada collection of interviews!
Adding a quick note to say...The Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-thon is on!
Catherine has two new books out now and she's on a whirlwind blog tour that I'm thrilled to be a part of. Plus, her publishers are giving away both of her books. Details follow the interview.
First, let me share the books.
From Catherine's site: Quick-witted, prank-pulling graffiti artist Maxwell Connors is more observant than the average New Middletown teenager. And he doesn't like what he sees. New Middletown's children are becoming frighteningly obedient, and their parents and teachers couldn't be happier. As Max and his friend Dallas watch their classmates transform into model citizens, Max wonders if their only hope of freedom lies in the unknown world beyond New Middletown's walls, where creativity might be a gift instead of a liability. For those who like their dystopias with a rich character sauce and a side of humour.
Her Middle Grade: 26 Tips for Surviving Grade 6
From Good Reads:Becky wrote the book on getting through grade 6, but these aren't the kinds of tips that come from school books or teachers...
Forget social studies, math, and science - this hilarious new novel is about surviving some of the real problems tween girls face. Honest and heart-warming, the story follows 11-year-old Becky Lennnox over the course of the school year as she figures out how to survive friendships, first crushes, embarrassing parents and annoying older brothers.
If you'd like to learn more about Catherine please do head to her website and her blog. And, be sure to check out the blogs on the tour. I know I am!
And a quick note to say...Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-Thon is on!
Monday, 21 November 2011
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday (and a read-a-thon)
NOW on to the task at hand, Marvelous Middle Grade Monday which is the brain child of marvelous Shannon Whitney Messenger who has her very own MM coming out.
My NANO novel is a ghost story. So, they on the brain right now. Needless to say I have had many jumpy moments in this old church my husband and I are renovating (whilst we live in in) and old white house next door? No one lives there! Or. Maybe some one does? The book I'm recommending today provides some jumps no matter where you be. It is a seriously creepy ghost story with a great brother and sister team that kids will relate too and a crazy good plot that will keep them page turning to the end. The books are also language, dialogue and description rich. AND-there is a family curse! Carol Matas and Perry Nodelman make a mighty fine team. The best part is, there are more books in the series!

Happy Middle Grade Monday, all! And here is some more marvelous to keep you growing your to read piles:
Shannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jennifer Rumberger-Jennifer Rumberger, Children's Author
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
p.s. if you are participating in MMGM's and I don't have you listed above, please do let me know so I can add you. Thanks!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Planning for a 2012 Marvelous Middle Grade Read-a-Thon is ON.
OR--maybe just Design your own read-a-thon, ARCs, NetGalleys, recent purchases, whatevers.
EDITED...I am DOING this! Walden Pond Press (speaking of, they have some crazy good middle grades) loved the idea, offered the possibility of giveaways and my mind started tick tick tick. For sure thinking of making it a week long "thing", but beyond that now looking for some CO-HOSTS.
Stay tuned....just deciding on a week to do it. Thinking something either Feb or March 2012.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Adam Selzer Interview & Guest Post "Developing Skills as a Smart Aleck in a Practical Application Environment."

Thanks Adam! Favorite part...we are profiling idiots. Nicely done.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday--Happy Reading Everyone!
- Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
- Shannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
- Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
- Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
- Sherrie Petersen- Write About Now
- Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
- Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
- Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
- Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
- Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
- Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
- Jessica Lei-her blog
- Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
- Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
- Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Developing Skills as a Smart Aleck in a Practical Application Environment
What is the writing process like for you, especially when it comes to finding the voice of your novels, something you are pretty darn good at! (Note: I PUT A SPELL ON YOU-multiple points of view, each voice rings different and true).
How did go about aging Jennifer for EXTRAORDINARY? Can we expect to see more of her?
Pretty cool on having two books come out at the same time. (SPARKS & EXTRAORDINARY). How did that come about?
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Three Writing Reads and a Giveaway and DRAGONS!
Thoughts on keeping a journal while in the midst of a writing project from Andrea Mack had me thinking about getting back into the habit. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s something I am thinking of making the time for.
That's Another Story: Are You Too Busy for a Journal?
Speaking of finding time…here are some writers sharing tips. I will be looking at this closely as I head back to the bookstore over the Christmas. Will be going from full days to write back to mornings and evenings! Hmmm, may have to rethink the thinking of keeping a journal during it all, lol!
MiG Writers: Making (More) Time for Writing
How does a perfectionist write? How do you get by the clutter and mess of the first draft, convince yourself that you can do it and it’s okay if you don’t do it right, right out of the gate? Check out this post for some insight and tips.
I Thought I Was Wrong But I Was Mistaken | From the Mixed-Up Files...
The giveaway is my own. It’s for Adam Selzer’s Extraordinary-As a reader I loved it for it’s wit and fun and plot twists and of course, voice. It’s one I look forward to recommending to teens. As a writer? I admired the ability to write bit and wild and free (cue music, lol). There is a quality there that I can learn from.
Now. On to DRAGONS. Over on FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MIDDLE GRADE AUTHORS I put up a list of some of my favourite books that have dragons in them. All middle grade if you’d care to check it out and add some of yours that would be great! Now I am thinking my next book has to have a dragon in it….or maybe the ghost of a dragon?
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
New Release Day GIVEAWAY-Extraordinary: The True Story of My Fairygodparent, Who Almost Killed Me, and Certainly Never Made Me a Princess
Here's the REAL scoop . . .
My Thoughts from GoodReads:
I will say (as The Plot Whisperer does), beginnings hook the reader (and Adam Selzer did a great job of hooking me in)...endings make fans. I am a fan. He took vampires (including prudish victorian ones), fairy godmothers (okay, fairy godmofo), zombies, highschool, true love, an ordinary girl (who deals with anger by smashing crap from the dollar store), Shakespeare, The Music Man and some unicorn poop, mixed it all together into a great, clever read for teens. Kind of a wow for me.
Leave a comment.
That be it.
You have until November 9 @ Midnight mst. Open Canada and the U.S.
Tomorrow Adam is here with a guest post, hope to see you back then and next head over to his website...there are more GIVEAWAYS!!

From Adam Selzer's Website: A John Hughes-esque story of aFull House-obsessesd girl who tries to get over a crush by embarking on a a "holy quest" with a couple of misfits.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday-I Put a Spell on You by Adam Selzer
Today I'm talking about Adam Selzer's marvelously witty, funny, dripping with middle grade magic, I PUT A SPELL ON YOU: From the Files of Chrissie Woodward Spelling Bee Detective.
Told from multiple point of views this book captures the quirk and fun of being a middle grade kid teaming up against some crazy adults who are all about the annual spelling bee, the getting into college at all costs (kids are a product don't you know? gotta groom them now), the protecting their kids from the rif raf of the real world (germs, corruption and crime...oh my!). And, of course...midst all of that, finding your own true self and making friends along the way. The kid characters in this book are rich, funny and lovable. The adults? Well, they're nuts!
Here's the description from Indie Bound: COME SPELLING BEE season, the tiny town of Preston erupts in excitement: the bee is televised, and the hottest ticket in town. This year, an assortment of sixth-grade miscreants is going for the top prize: Jennifer, an overscheduled free spirit whose parents are obsessed with her college applications; Mutual, a previously home-schooled outsider who's enrolled in public school for the first time in order to participate in the bee; Harlan, the class clown who has spectacular plans for making the most of his time in the spotlight; and Chrissie, the constant observer, who suspects something is off at the bee and will stop at nothing to get to the truth. Principal Floren is acting shady to everyone—but, as he insists, “I am not a crook.”
To find out more about Adam Selzer and his books, check out his site.
I'll be back tomorrow to talk about his new release YA novel, EXTRAORDINARY, The True Story of my Fairy Godparent, Who Almost Killed Me, and Certainly Never Made Me A Princess. and(Jennifer from I PUT A SPELL ON YOU is back and all grown up-well, sixteen). This was the book that I first read from him. Loved. It. So witty, funny and well written. AND--Adam will be doing a guest post this Wednesday on how to be a Smart Aleck Writer (he's kinda got that down.)
Enjoy the rest of you MMGM all and do be sure to check out some of the following blogs in your travels, including my post over on From the Mixed Up Files of Middle Grade's all about DRAGONS!
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Shannon Whitney Messenger-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Sherrie Petersen- Write About Now
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Jennifer Rumberger - Children's Author
Friday, 4 November 2011
Three Writing Reads and…that's it.
This first one is from the daily postings over on Tara Lazar’s website. She has guests sharing thoughts and inspirations for Picture Book Idea Month. This particular post was a wow moment for me. Some fantastic suggestions for finding ideas. And honestly this could apply to writing short stories, poetry, chapter books novels…looking to add a quirky character? A crazy little sister to your wip…check out Jean Riedy’s suggestions:
This one is just a great all over read about revising and how the magic of story really happens in December or whenever you start revising. Plus she has a great before and after contest going on. Check it out (and the rest of her blog is might fine too. Thanks to The Year of Living Dangerously (yep, Michael G-G, Middle Mafiosa famous)
As I have been working away on HAPPY MEDIUM the oddest thing is happening. A character is changing even as I write her. She is (was?) the bully, the mean girl. But there is a side of her coming out that Happy might even like. So, I need to explore that more. Yes. Stop the Nano-ing word count upping in order to explore Courtney (a.k.a. arch nemesis). Liked this next link, because I am going to do just this. Put Happy and Courtney up against each other and see how they compare, what’s the same, what’s different...
Writability: Do You Really Know Your Characters?
That’s it from me. Happy writing, revising, eating candy/chocolate/cake/chips to keep the NANO energy up.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Confessions of a NANOWRIMO
I backspace.
I correct spelling.
I stop to think how I want a line to sound.
I don't keep typing at all costs writing down anything that comes into my head ('course I am more than capable of that as this post is showing)
Of course all of these confessions could be because the story I am working on was outlined and developed before I started so I feel confident in the fact that I will finish the first draft of this book. Haven't reach that point of I need to just get anything on the paper point.
One last confession:
I totally used NANO as an excuse to gorge myself on candy yesterday. Called it research for when my MC does that midway through the book. SERIOUSLY!
Ramblingly yours,
p.s. anyone else have some NANO Confessions?
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Three Writing Reads and Nano Day One
Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...
It's time for some follower love. And what better month than February. Thanks to I'm A Reader, Not A Writer and Rachel Renee Anderso...
What. What is that you say? Another giveaway hop? Yep, yep. I love going around and seeing new blogs and sharing in the book love, I must sa...
Greetings to all of you making the rounds for the Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop (Dec. 2nd to 6th). Shout out and thanks to Kid Lit ...