Wednesday 23 March 2011

Three Writing Reads and Two Winners!

POV is on my mind a lot lately. Again, because I’m switching a novel over to third and because I have another which I am going to do the same to. In both cases I was CONVINCED that first person was the way to tell the story. Jennifer’s article is timely. As I am making the switch, I am also revising scenes. And, I am learning things about my character I didn’t see before. With my other book, multiple POV is something I am considering because I realize that the ghost needs to be heard. She is more than an entity floating about the house reeking havoc. She has a story too.

Jennifer R. Hubbard: Alternatives to multiple POV

This next link is to a blog I love and don’t visit often enough. Anna asked questions about your character. Sometimes I know the answer right away. Other times I have to think about it a bit, but in doing so more is revealed-it’s like a mini character mind map. This particular one is for time management and I realized--I know how Cricket manages time (not well in her and her mother’s opinion) but what I need to know is how she plans to fix it (even though Cricket’s mom isn’t exactly right, but that’s a whole other story)

StoryBug: Time Management

Even before I am done a book, I will write out a synopsis it helps me work out bumps, smooth out scenes and generally keep a picture of the whole story in my head. This is a particularly good series on writing the synopsis and the back and forth between writing it and your book. In Short: Writing a Novel Synopsis That Rocks: by H.L.Dyer

And the first winner Just Deb: It's a BlogoVersary Carnival! is :

ShopGirl! A Blessing A Day

The book she requested is LIAR SOCIETY. I think she will LOVE it, everyone I’ve talked to has. Congrats!

And winner number two is :

Stacy of Squiggles Reviews.

She is getting a copy of UNEARTHLY!

I will be sending them an email to get their snail mails. Thanks so, so much to all those who entered!

There is still time to win Brigitta and the White Forest, btw :)

Just Deb: Book Giveaway and Interview-Danika Dinsmore


  1. Deb - thank you so much for this, wow, I hardly ever win anything so I am feeling very lucky right now. I hope you have a great day as you certainly have made mine!

  2. Thank you!! I've replied to your e-mail.

  3. You're welcome you two: ) Thanks for taking part! Must say, this is one of my favorite blogging things to do. Happy Reading when your books arrive!

  4. I haven't been here in so long! Nice to be back. Thanks Deb! I just finished another revision of my midgrade novel, Tasha the Magnificent which is in 3rd person POV(
    Thinking of changing the title to Tasha the Transcendent which would require lots of rewriting so maybe not) It's in my critique groups hands and my next job is to write a synopsis that rocks, so I thank you for the link.



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