Thursday, 22 March 2012

#WipMadness March-Day 23 Check-In!

Day 23?



The month seems to be flying by. Hope you are all reaching those goals or taking deep breaths and revamping them as needed. It's all good and it all works AND having this incredible team of readers, writer and bloggers cheering and offering support and understanding is made of AWESOME. I know I appreciate it. BTW---"and" is one of my words I have to watch out for in wips. Apparently the same holds true for my blog posts?

And (heh heh) with that said I have an announcement. Fearless leader Denise Jaden decided it was time to announce the next person to pick from the March Madness prize packs! That person is:

Linda Jackson!

Linda, you can email  Denise (d AT denisejaden DOT com)  with your pick. Speaking of that, your prize choices are listed in red. CONGRATS!!!

First page critique by agent Katie Grimm from Don Congdon Associates
(Courtesy of Angelina Hansen)

Advance copy of ARTICLE FIVE by Kristen Simmons
(Courtesy of Jaye Robin Brown)

  (Courtesy of Shari Green)

Query and 10-page critique (Courtesy of Anne Hale)

Copyedit critique of 50 pages (Courtesy of Laura Taylor)

(2 e-copies up for grabs!) (Courtesy of Deb Marshall)

(Courtesy of Laura Taylor)

Wishing you all the best today and into the weekend. Way to go with all the work done this week and looking forward to hearing how today is going!

Tomorrow's check-in is over on Jaye Robin Brown's Hanging on to Wonder.


  1. Congrats, Linda!! And congrats to all of us for making it to day 23!!

    Today marks my last revision day before letting my manuscript rest. I have a few revised chapters out with critters, and now I really need to give it some time before doing the last pre-subbing revisions. So I'm finally switching over to reading mode.

    Oh, and packing. And moving. We bought a house! Our moving date is Wednesday, so I am going to be just a tad occupied in the coming week. Good timing for the manuscript-resting, I say. Score!

    Happy madness to all!

    1. Happy reading and congrats on moving into you own home. ^_^

    2. Wow moving into a new house. That's exciting!

    3. Congrats on the new house!! Sounds like perfect timing -- you'll be able to come back to your ms with "fresh eyes" after you get settled in. Good luck with all the packing and stuff!

    4. Congratulations on the move and on setting your ms aside for a rest! Happy reading (and madness!!) back your way!

  2. Congrats Linda! And Kip - awesome on the house!!!

    I have several WIP words I overuse, like...LIKE. And JUST. And AND :)

    Once I finish a few hours of paying work and some lame-o housework, I'm writing for the rest of the weekend!

    Can you tell by my exclamation points that I'm thrilled for the weekend??

    1. Lame-o housework...LOL!

      Happy writing!

    2. LOL on the lame-o house work for sure....we need madness clean up fairies or something!

    3. Oh man...just is another one of my big overuse words. Hope you enjoying all that writing this weekend....yay yay!!!

  3. Is it really Friday! Finally! Congrats Linda and Kip! I've been through the move far too many times in the last few years. It has done it's damage on my writing time as well.

    But not today! I'm starting revisions with chapter 8 and hope to get through 4 chapters today. I swear I will get this to my agent next week if it kills me!

    Rock it, now, Wipsters!

    1. Woot! Go, Mary Ann! Good luck with revisions today!

    2. Goooo Mary Ann!! You rock it, not too hard though, we don't want you killed by wip, lol.

  4. Congrats Linda!

    It feels like my progress has just started to kick in with this novel...nothing like leaving it until the end of the month, thank you very much, Muse. On that note...I'm getting back to it!

    1. Better late than never?? ;)

    2. Good luck and write like a bat out of h** for rest of the month. Dang those Muses---it's like they know we can't fire them and get someone else.

  5. Hooray for Linda!!! Cool prizes, yo! Thanks to all who've donated. :)

    Yippee! for all the #wipmadness peeps who've accomplished their goals! And, a HUGE pat on the back to those who need a nudge and smile. :)

    Ah, it's Friday, folks. To all you day-jobbers out there, may you breathe easy today, it's your weekend. :)

    After yesterday's #wipmadness, madness! my goal for today is to party! Have fun! My hubby called me the word warrior when he came home from work. Somehow between Wed. evening and Thursday mid-day, I cranked out 7k words of rewrites. Something clicked on(thank you inner muse!!), and I zoomed through the pages, even editing as I wrote. Woot!

    In celebration, I will do whatever makes me smile today. :) 1st I will paint, with watercolor, a picture that's haunted my mind for weeks now. I've been on the web searching for art to help describe my wip and come up empty-handed. So, I decided to break out the supplies and do it myself. I will share the results IF they turn out! 2nd, since the grass pollen is driving my allergies crazy, and I'm running around with a darn close pin (okay not really) on my nose, I'll spend a few hours on my rewrites, ultimate favorite...garage sales!!! I secretly love them!

    Enough about me. How are all you other #wipmadness folks doing out there? Hope you're having a FABULOUS Friday. :-)

    1. 7K!! Man, your hubby got that right--you are totally a word warrior! Congrats on the great progress. Enjoy your day of painting and garage sales! :)

    2. Yo! Hope you partay painted to the wee hours. Way to go on the writing!! Me too on garage sales man...those and the dollar store. Thinking of heading there today and it makes me a happy happy being, lol! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Congrats, Linda!
    Just and around are the words I overuse, though the current WIP has an awful lot of clenching. If I don't force myself to slow down, I fear I'm going to finish this second novel revision over the weekend. Once I start working on it, I have a hard time pulling myself away. I have about 60 pages left, but I've saved the hardest parts for last.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Wipsters!

    1. Wow, you're flying! I hope those "hard parts" go great for you. :)

    2. Yep, there is just something about just. Lol on the clencing. WHOA on the finish this are a writing beast!! Have a fabulous weekend your ownself!

  7. Yay Linda!

    Gotta love those crutches. For me, for SOTS, it's "patting [my/her/his] shoulder", usually to comfort an upset person. Like there's some sort of love-in going on throughout the book. For the Third Pass? That's near the top of my list of things to fix. (Speaking of. Hmm. Maybe that's what I can do this lunch hour ...)

    And I'm not going to beat myself up about having a couple of non-productive days. Today's Magical Words post on NOT writing every day reaffirmed that, too. :)

    Yesterday was an unproductive day because I wasn't feeling well, but I slept it off and even felt well enough to go to sword class. Glad I did. The physical challenge is, well, challenging sometimes, but worth it, and on Tuesday I was told by the teacher how much I've improved, despite my own personal health issues.

    Reading-wise, I finished another Harlequin Romance, but my next book will be the required reading for sword class: Rudolfo Capoferro's The Art and Practice of Fencing, written in 1610.

    And writing-wise, I'll continue working on the Third Pass at lunch time and after work, while participating in #fntwp of course. :)

    1. Sorry, that MW link was incorrect. Here's the correct one, for anyone interested.

    2. I'm another writer who's better if I don't force myself to write every day. I'm obsessive enough about the writing that I never let too long go by without writing, but when it's mulling time, or re-filling-the-well time, I've learned to be okay about NOT writing. (But to be honest, if the mulling goes on too long, I get super restless -- I guess that's my signal to get back at it!)

      That fencing book might be pretty cool -- 1610! wow.

    3. lol on the love in. I have a lotta shruggin shoulder-ed people I tell you! Yes yes on not writing everyday!! Not everyone can, does or wants to-we find out own path. Hope you feeling well this weekding! And no way on the next book you reading! Sounds awesome!

  8. Hello! Oh my gosh, I thought this Friday would never get here. I have exactly 9 more teaching days before Spring Break and I am ready this very moment.

    My kids watched Banksy's Exit through the Gift Shop yesterday (we were kicked out of the art room for a couple of days) and today we cut stencils and spray painted ceiling tiles. I am very impressionable.

    As for writing, I've done A-G of my alphabet blog posts for April and up to about page 40 on the book map. I'd like to book map through page 75 over the weekend but couldn't get up this morning, at all. I even wore not-allowed blue jeans I was feeling so rebellious.

    See you all tomorrow at check-in

    And congratulations Linda!

    1. Congrats on getting all those blog posts done, and a good chunk of the book map! I hope your weekend's both relaxing and productive (it can be both, right?).

    2. lol on impressionable...or...finding and using teachable moments I say!!

      Way to go on the A-Z Blog posts! I am thinking of doing that challenge too and also realized I should get ahead of the game.

      Woot on the book map, you are moving along AND in rebel jeans. Your'e rocking it!

  9. Cool list of prizes, Linda!

    Although not an official part of March Madness, I've been enjoying the cheerleading and did begin a new WIP last Sunday. It now has 6,000 words, and I wish I could spend every waking moment working on it. But for some darn reason, I can't. You know, cooking, driving places, taking care of kids...

    1. We're supposed to stop writing to take care of our kids? Oops. LOL, I know what you mean about wanting to spend every moment on something. Too bad life intrudes... Congrats on all the new words! :)

    2. Whoa, nice on the wordage, Barbara...and that tween on the life "stuffs". Now---I'm curious, are there parents in your current wip? Just read CHOMP by Carl Hiassen and there were, one had to go to China and the other, well, he was more a child than the MC, so the MC was having to look out for his dad!

  10. Just a quick check-in -- got called into work, so no wipmadness for me until this evening. I'll be back to read about everyone's progress then. I hope you all have an awesome day! :)

    1. Hey! Hope you got some writing in or at least some relax time after work so you can write this weekend!

  11. Oh, wow! I decided to take a break from the computer this morning and go for a nice, loooong walk in the park, and look what I came back and found!!!

    Thanks!!!! Such wonderful prizes to choose from. :)

    March Madness update: Since I have finished my first draft, I decided to use this plotting device that I found on Tess Hilmo's blog and apply it to my draft. It was a very good exercise to see where my pantsing had taken me. Here is the link in case anybody else wants to use it:

    1. Thanks for that link, Linda -- I'm always eager to check out anything that promises plot help, lol. :)

    2. Hey Linda!! Congrats again...and thanks for sharing that link. Love the look of it, will be trying it out this weekend.

  12. Congratulations, Linda!!! Happy Friday for sure. =)

    All good in this camp. Antagonist threatens to take over. Conflict galore!

    1. Ooh, conflict is good! Yay!

    2. go! I love conflict. Here is to a weekend of wreaking havoc in your story!

  13. I've been editing hard the last three days, having fallen way behind on my quota. Decided today that the problem is it's really two chapters and cut it in half. Now I'm (sorta) ahead!

    I want to get back to plowing ahead with the climax. Crossed fingers for a productive afternoon--because next week is Spring Break.

    1. Yay for figuring out problems! How'd the afternoon go?

    2. Ooo, hope your afternoon was productive and you get some write time in for the weekend. Btw CONGRATS on the nomination!!

  14. Bad week for word count for me. Might do some this weekend, but I ended up stopping for the day because family came home early. Only managed around 6,600 for the week and I'm not gonna make it up in one night. If I can pick up 1,500 or so tomorrow I'll be happy with that I guess.

    1. Might not be as much as you aimed for, but still, 6600 is awesome! I hope you have a good writing day tomorrow. :)

    2. Good luck on picking up your 1500 or so. 6600 is not bad at all, but I hear you on having your goal set and not quite making it.

  15. Well, I'm almost at halfway point in my revision. Today ended up going over two revision chapters and then going to my huge whiteboard to map out more as I'm thinking I need to pull down yet deeper on Espie and her emotions regarding her twin sister's so-called betrayal in her community.

    1. I love my whiteboard! Sometimes, you just gotta be able to see the big picture. :) Congrats on nearing the mid-point of your revision!

    2. Way to go on the revision, Kim!! I like the whiteboard idea...mine is packed up still, but once it's out I want to try using one. Enjoy your weekend and digging into Espie's emotions.

  16. Congrats, Linda!!

    So after deciding to postpone query writing, yesterday I managed to write the first part of my short story - yay!

    Last night I went to see the Hunger Games and I couldn't calm down afterwards so got to sleep at around 4am. Not sure how much I'm going to get done after that!

    1. So glad your creativity kicked in for you! Congrats on getting into your new story.

      I can't wait to see Hunger Games! :)

    2. YAY on the Hunger Games!! Way to go on the first part of your story!

      I keep back burnering the query writing..have some pieces ready, but keep wondering if I should wait and query the mg rather than the pbs.

      Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Yay Linda!

    1350 words today. Lots of stuff going on.

    Congrats all on your progress.

    1. NICE on the wordage, Brandon...enjoy the weekend and hope there are some writing spots in there for your!

  18. Tonette dela Luna23 March 2012 at 21:39

    My brain is tired.

    Just got home from the Game of Thrones marathon downtown. Left the house at 5:45am and got home in the last thirty minutes. It was fun. My sister got a lot of swag. She's lucky like that. And it's nice to be surrounded by like-minded individuals getting our collective geek on!

    Will start reading the Hunger Games tonight. Trying to immerse myself suspended disbelief because I'm having oral surgery tomorrow.

    Time to decompress,


    1. All best with the surgery, Tonette....decompressing is a good thing and you've chosen some awesome storytelling to do it with!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Congrats to the winner. I'm happy to say that I've accomplished 90% of my goals; finished my memoir, edited it pretty hardcore, editing another novel, and posted on my blog. March is a tiring month!

    1. Nice work Lynne...that's a good place to be during this last week. Thinking you will need some April naps!



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