Sunday, 4 March 2012

March Madness-Rethinking Goals

A few days into March Madness I realized that I really need to add in my reading and blogging to go with the goal of rewriting HAPPY MEDIUM from scratch. So! Here I go with that. Off the top of my mad head:


-carry on with Marvelous Middle Grade Monday's. Reading middle grade novels and writing posts to go up every monday. I'd like to try and get ahead of the game and have posts ready to go one or two weeks in advance.

-carry on reading and commenting on the blogs I follow. Up the time to one hour per day. I tried half hour and that was just not enough time

-start new feature called YA ROUNDTABLE. Inspired by a group of writer friends I lunch with. We talk books, exchange books. I can't go as often but I can still share the books I would tell them about if I could go. When possible we'd try to get the round table at one of the restaurants we go to. Most of the ladies I hang with a YA writers (mix of published and not). Hence...YA ROUNDTABLE for a feature.

-get to scheduling more OH MG YA CANADA posts for March and April in preparation for my OH MG YA CANADA week long reading challenge end of April.

-get blog re-designed in terms of content and for gorsh durn sakes get tags organized and consistent (I mean really!)


-ARC's get caught up with the back log, especially NET GALLEY.
-books authors provided for review (have a couple)

Realistically some of this will spill into April, but I shooting for the stars so I can land on the moon!


  1. That seems like a very ambitious blog schedule Deb - I'm impressed.

    1. Thanks...I think it is ambitious on the blog schedule. Going to give myself certain amount of time, see what I can realistically do. Then. I will _have_ to make the tough decisions on what I can do and what I will just have to let go.

  2. It's always good to have goals. Glad you're keeping the MMGM series. I like to get ahead with my blogging when I can too. And good for you to trying to put a limit on your blogging time.

  3. We miss you at lunch, Deb. You always crack me up :(

    I need to put a limit on my blogging time. I blog for two hours in the morning (on blogging days), but then have to spend another two hours catching up on comments. The problem is I don't want to cut back. I love all my friends and their blogs. :D



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