Saturday, 31 March 2012
Wrapping up March Madness and Getting Ready for April #wipmadness
REWRITING- HAPPY MEDIUM from scratch. yes. not done though, because the from scratch also became re plotting, revisioning some of the characters, the town, the history, so very much still in the notebook and research stage again.
-carry on with Marvelous Middle Grade Monday's. Reading middle grade novels and writing posts to go up every monday. I'd like to try and get ahead of the game and have posts ready to go one or two weeks in advance. Yes on carrying on with MMGM's, getting lots of reading done. No on the 2-3 weeks in advance. Sunday before the post seems to be my go to day and that totally works for me!
-carry on reading and commenting on the blogs I follow. Up the time to one hour per day. I tried half hour and that was just not enough time Yep and sometimes, it is two hours--I know that is a lot of time, but it is part of my writing and blogging life!
-start new feature called YA ROUNDTABLE. Inspired by a group of writer friends I lunch with. We talk books, exchange books. I can't go as often but I can still share the books I would tell them about if I could go. When possible we'd try to get the round table at one of the restaurants we go to. Most of the ladies I hang with a YA writers (mix of published and not). Hence...YA ROUNDTABLE for a feature. Yes, got post one up and running last week (Just Deb: YA Roundtable-13 to Life by Shannon Delany and Mighty Fine Use of Backstory) and have the ideas and books for the next few.
-get to scheduling more OH MG YA CANADA posts for March and April in preparation for my OH MG YA CANADA week long reading challenge, Just Deb: Oh MG/YA Canada Mini Reading Challenge-Sunday April 29- Sunday May 6, 2012 . Love for you to check it out, sign up? know of an author (Canadian) who might like to be featured? This will be an April Goal as well, I do have some blog guest posters and features lined up already but need to grow those participating in the reading week.
-get blog re-designed in terms of content and for gorsh durn sakes get tags organized and consistent (I mean really!) AND...this has been moved to April!
-ARC's get caught up with the back log, especially NET GALLEY.the backlog mostly done-now am building a new to read list
-books authors provided for review (have a couple) yep yep yep
Realistically some of this will spill into April, but I shooting for the stars so I can land on the moon! SO, I landed on the moon in March, heading for the stars in April!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
March Madness Day 30 Check-In and another Giveaway Winner
Well, friends we are almost ready to bring all this March Madness to an end. It's been a great time sharing the hosting duties. I loved reading what you all have been up to as the month progressed and must say I am going to miss it! But--now's not the time for goodbyes. We have today and tomorrow left to bring it all home, cheer each other to the finish line. Some of us will be sitting back, sighs of relieve, goals reached and ready to start thinking into April. Others of us (like me) will be writing like mad (ness) to achieve the goal before month's end or at least take another good chunk out of it before April hits. So. Where are all of you at? Sitting back, relaxing some, thinking about April? Going in for a last dig of revisions, reading, blogging before the end of March?
AND! We've got another winner for the draws. GIRL PARKER, step on up and let Denise Jaden (d @ denisejaden . com) know which prize you would like. Congrats to you! Here are your choices:
AND! We've got another winner for the draws. GIRL PARKER, step on up and let Denise Jaden (d @ denisejaden . com) know which prize you would like. Congrats to you! Here are your choices:
UNRAVELING ISOBEL by Eileen Cook (Courtesy of Shari Green)
OUTLINING YOUR NOVEL by K.M. Weiland (2 e-copies up for grabs!) (Courtesy of Deb Marshall)
And our awesome Kim Baccellia has donated another ARC: THE STATISTICAL PROBABILITY OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT by Jennifer Smith(US mailing only)
Wishing you all the best with the rest of your March Madness and the upcoming month as we carry on reading, writing, blogging! It's been an absolute pleasure. Tomorrow's check-in is over on Jaye Robin Brown's Hanging on to Wonder.
Monday, 26 March 2012
YA Roundtable-13 to Life by Shannon Delany and Mighty Fine Use of Backstory
Introducing....YA ROUNDTABLE!
Up until I moved in fall of 2011 I had the great (great!) pleasure of heading out to monthly lunch dates with some fabulous friends. All writers. All talented. And all readers of MG and YA. Eventually those luncheons expanded into us bringing books to exchange. We'd show and share the books around the table and each of us would pick the books we wanted to take home and read. Next month (or so) we'd return with the books we borrowed and new books to lend. Needless to say the table was often filled with piles of books! It. was. wonderful. As were some of the lunches (er, yeah, we have some lunch horror stories otherwise I would have said all). As was the company (talking about family, writing, the craft, the business). Now I don't get to do that so much anymore. BUT. Decided that in the spirit of those lunches I'd start a new blog feature. I talk about MG on Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays, but have yet to get going on YA. That's why YA Roundtable was born. Today I am going to feature only one book. Sometimes it be more than one, but never less (ha ha!).
I recently read 13 to Life by Shannon Delany. It's been out for some time now, it just took me this long to get to it. AND-there are more in the series so I am one happy carry on reader!
I'd recommend it to my writer buds (some of whom have probably already read, lol!) and all of you. And I'd say read it for the great story but also to see how you can use back story to create mystery and tension. The kind of mystery and tension that keeps you turning the page. The best part for me was also the timing...that is, how the author pulled you along to almost the middle of the book, but then finally revealed the whole story behind the back story. If she'd gone on any longer with it, it would have been too much, frustrating the reader (er, me). The main story line was compelling in its own right and had to be. If it had not been only being given hints at the backstory, the what happened would not have worked. The balance the author had worked. And as I writer I TOTALLY admired how she did it. A bit of take away on how to use backstory for aspiring author me. So. Would ya like to know about the book in case you don't already? Of course you would!
The trailer:
Everything about Jessie Gillmansen's life changed when her mother died. Now even her hometown of Junction is changing. Mysterious dark things are happening. All Jessie wants is to avoid more change. But showing a hot new guy around Junction High, she's about to discover a whole new type of change. Pietr Rusakova is more than good looks and a fascinating accent--he's a guy with a dangerous secret. And his very existence is sure to bring big trouble to Jessie's small town. It seems change is the one thing Jessie can't avoid...
That be it from me. Hope to see you soon for another YA Roundtable where I'll share my YA reading and what books I think you can learn a lot from as a writer. Or something along those lines. I imagine this feature will grow and change as the year moves along. If there is anything in particular you'd like to see (maybe to soon to ask) do let me know! Plus...any books you know of that make particular good use of back story?
Up until I moved in fall of 2011 I had the great (great!) pleasure of heading out to monthly lunch dates with some fabulous friends. All writers. All talented. And all readers of MG and YA. Eventually those luncheons expanded into us bringing books to exchange. We'd show and share the books around the table and each of us would pick the books we wanted to take home and read. Next month (or so) we'd return with the books we borrowed and new books to lend. Needless to say the table was often filled with piles of books! It. was. wonderful. As were some of the lunches (er, yeah, we have some lunch horror stories otherwise I would have said all). As was the company (talking about family, writing, the craft, the business). Now I don't get to do that so much anymore. BUT. Decided that in the spirit of those lunches I'd start a new blog feature. I talk about MG on Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays, but have yet to get going on YA. That's why YA Roundtable was born. Today I am going to feature only one book. Sometimes it be more than one, but never less (ha ha!).
I recently read 13 to Life by Shannon Delany. It's been out for some time now, it just took me this long to get to it. AND-there are more in the series so I am one happy carry on reader!
I'd recommend it to my writer buds (some of whom have probably already read, lol!) and all of you. And I'd say read it for the great story but also to see how you can use back story to create mystery and tension. The kind of mystery and tension that keeps you turning the page. The best part for me was also the timing...that is, how the author pulled you along to almost the middle of the book, but then finally revealed the whole story behind the back story. If she'd gone on any longer with it, it would have been too much, frustrating the reader (er, me). The main story line was compelling in its own right and had to be. If it had not been only being given hints at the backstory, the what happened would not have worked. The balance the author had worked. And as I writer I TOTALLY admired how she did it. A bit of take away on how to use backstory for aspiring author me. So. Would ya like to know about the book in case you don't already? Of course you would!
The trailer:
Everything about Jessie Gillmansen's life changed when her mother died. Now even her hometown of Junction is changing. Mysterious dark things are happening. All Jessie wants is to avoid more change. But showing a hot new guy around Junction High, she's about to discover a whole new type of change. Pietr Rusakova is more than good looks and a fascinating accent--he's a guy with a dangerous secret. And his very existence is sure to bring big trouble to Jessie's small town. It seems change is the one thing Jessie can't avoid...
That be it from me. Hope to see you soon for another YA Roundtable where I'll share my YA reading and what books I think you can learn a lot from as a writer. Or something along those lines. I imagine this feature will grow and change as the year moves along. If there is anything in particular you'd like to see (maybe to soon to ask) do let me know! Plus...any books you know of that make particular good use of back story?
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday
Favorite day of the week is here again. You guessed it, it is:
CHOMP by Carl Hiaasen Wahoo Cray lives in a zoo. His father is an animal wrangler, so he's grown up with all manner of gators, snakes, parrots, rats, monkeys, snappers, and more in his backyard. The critters he can handle. His father is the unpredictable one. When his dad takes a job with a reality TV show called "Expedition Survival!", Wahoo figures he'll have to do a bit of wrangling himself—to keep his dad from killing Derek Badger, the show's boneheaded star, before the shoot is over. But the job keeps getting more complicated. Derek Badger seems to actually believe his PR and insists on using wild animals for his stunts. And Wahoo's acquired a shadow named Tuna—a girl who's sporting a shiner courtesy of her old man and needs a place to hide out. They've only been on location in the Everglades for a day before Derek gets bitten by a bat and goes missing in a storm. Search parties head out and promptly get lost themselves. And then Tuna's dad shows up with a gun . . . It's anyone's guess who will actually survive "Expedition Survival". . . .
STORYBOUND by Marrissa Burt When Una Fairchild stumbles upon a mysterious book buried deep in the basement of her school library, she thinks nothing of opening the cover and diving in. But instead of paging through a regular novel, Una suddenly finds herself Written In to the land of Story--a world filled with Heroes and Villains and fairy-tale characters.
THE HOP by Sharelle Byars Moranville A small toad named Tad is in grave danger. Rumbler, a monstrous earth-eating machine, is poised to destroy his home, Toadville-by-Tumbledown. The green grass, the blue pond—everything Tad knows might disappear. It is foretold that one brave young toad can help—but at a terrible price. Only if a toad kisses a human girl will Toadville be saved. Tad is called to rise to the challenge, disgusting though it seems. In the company of his best friend Buuurk, he sets off into the unknown. Meanwhile, a girl named Taylor is determined to stop her grandmother’s pond from being turned into a strip mall. Perhaps, somewhere along the way, she will cross paths with a small, brave toad. Little does she know that his quest is the same as hers. ARC from the publisher via Netgalley
For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday check out the following:
And naturally I give a shout out to the fabulous Shannon Messenger who has her own Marvelous Middle Grade, KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES, coming out in the fall.
Today I'm sharing the love of a few recent reads as a means of helping celebrate Jill's (The O.W.L.) month long celebration of middle grade called MARCH OF MIDDLE GRADE. Reading it, writing it, interviewing authors, guests posts and...giveaways! Lots of giveaway. Hope you have time to head on over and check. it. out.
Let's begin shall we? And I am thinking I have something for everyone. All descriptions are from
I am here to say I think the author is a master at multiple pov storytelling in middle grade. Gives you this larger than life feel for the whole story and really builds tension as you see all the players and storylines on a collision course...and not in a way you expect. You have fun guessing as you read along, but being the great storyteller the author is, you never quite get it right. There was humour, real life scary situations and our young hero rose to the challenge, not only of taking care of his dad, but taking care of those around him--animals and humans included. Loved it, including loving to hate (okay, maybe I should say it was more a dislike) Derek Badger of the over bloated ego driven fake star of "Expedition Survival". Copy from the publisher via Net Galley
But not everything in Story is as magical as it seems. Una must figure out "why" she has been Written In--and fast--before anyone else discovers her secret. Together with her new friend Peter and a talking cat named Sam, Una digs deep into Story's shadowy past. She quickly realizes that she is tied to the world in ways she never could have imagined--and it might be up to her to save it.
Whoa on the premise behind this one. A land of story with a mysterious past filled with nasty Muses, Heroes, Villians. One lonely girl falls into that world from ours and becomes the key to unravelling the mystery and saving the world. I now await the arrival of book two. Patiently. Or, I might stalk the author's website and blog. You know, for my future book club kids. Won the ARC (eek!) in a contest. It's signed and everything!
Whoa on the premise behind this one. A land of story with a mysterious past filled with nasty Muses, Heroes, Villians. One lonely girl falls into that world from ours and becomes the key to unravelling the mystery and saving the world. I now await the arrival of book two. Patiently. Or, I might stalk the author's website and blog. You know, for my future book club kids. Won the ARC (eek!) in a contest. It's signed and everything!

I cannot express how much I loved this one. Alternating points of view between, Tad (the toad) and Taylor (the girl). Both have a quest, one to save his family (Tad) and the other save the pond she loves (Taylor). The author weaves together both quests with magic, both real and figurative, and leaves you satisfied at the end. (and teary eyed--okay, I cried, not from sadness but from sad, happy and whoa...awesome end). I could totally see this as a movie...the larger than life heroes (Tad and Taylor) could carry it and the power of Mother Earth/Nature (aka, the magic) would make it a hit. Imo :)
For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday check out the following:
Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway
Laurisa White Reyes
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway
Laurisa White Reyes
Enjoy the day all!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
#WipMadness March-Day 23 Check-In!
Day 23?
The month seems to be flying by. Hope you are all reaching those goals or taking deep breaths and revamping them as needed. It's all good and it all works AND having this incredible team of readers, writer and bloggers cheering and offering support and understanding is made of AWESOME. I know I appreciate it. BTW---"and" is one of my words I have to watch out for in wips. Apparently the same holds true for my blog posts?
And (heh heh) with that said I have an announcement. Fearless leader Denise Jaden decided it was time to announce the next person to pick from the March Madness prize packs! That person is:
Linda Jackson!
The month seems to be flying by. Hope you are all reaching those goals or taking deep breaths and revamping them as needed. It's all good and it all works AND having this incredible team of readers, writer and bloggers cheering and offering support and understanding is made of AWESOME. I know I appreciate it. BTW---"and" is one of my words I have to watch out for in wips. Apparently the same holds true for my blog posts?
And (heh heh) with that said I have an announcement. Fearless leader Denise Jaden decided it was time to announce the next person to pick from the March Madness prize packs! That person is:
Linda Jackson!
Linda, you can email Denise (d AT denisejaden DOT com) with your pick. Speaking of that, your prize choices are listed in red. CONGRATS!!!
First page critique by agent Katie Grimm from Don Congdon Associates
(Courtesy of Angelina Hansen)
Advance copy of ARTICLE FIVE by Kristen Simmons
(Courtesy of Jaye Robin Brown)
(Courtesy of Shari Green)
Query and 10-page critique (Courtesy of Anne Hale)
Copyedit critique of 50 pages (Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
(2 e-copies up for grabs!) (Courtesy of Deb Marshall)
(Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
Advance copy of ARTICLE FIVE by Kristen Simmons
(Courtesy of Jaye Robin Brown)
(Courtesy of Shari Green)
Query and 10-page critique (Courtesy of Anne Hale)
Copyedit critique of 50 pages (Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
(2 e-copies up for grabs!) (Courtesy of Deb Marshall)
(Courtesy of Laura Taylor)
Wishing you all the best today and into the weekend. Way to go with all the work done this week and looking forward to hearing how today is going!
Tomorrow's check-in is over on Jaye Robin Brown's Hanging on to Wonder.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with The Emerald Casket by Richard Newsome
Welcome to:
Today I am going to share the love of EMERALD CASKET.Happy to say I have my own copy of this as I won my pick of a book from Walden Pond Press, who put out consistently good middle grade books. A big thanks to them!
BILLIONAIRE'S CURSE by Richard Newsome started it off. I talked about book one over on Shannon Whitney's blog. (As many of you know, Shannon is the brain mother of MMGM.)
Next in line is EMERALD CASKET and coming out in May is THE MASK OF DESTINY! Love this series oh yes I do.
To get us started here is THE EMERALD CASKET short description from
Thirteen-year-old billionaire Gerald Archer and his friends Ruby and Sam Valentine go on vacation to India, hoping to forget about Mason Green and his diabolical quest, but secrets from Gerald's family history and Green's minions have the trio in trouble again.
Now, doesn't 13 year old _billionaire_ catch your eye? Vacation in India? Diabolical quests? Tie that all in with a writer who knows how to weave a middle grade novel and you have winner number two in this series.
I have it on good authority that his third book, THE MASK OF DESTINY, is his best yet. You gotta love it when a series just gets better and better. And if you have fans of the GREY GRIFFIN series and 39 Clues, to name a couple, I'd say Richard Newsome books are well worth suggesting.
Speaking of middle grade and series I wanted to point you all over to Jill @ The O.W.L. where there is a MONTH LONG (yay!) celebration of middle grade. And, on Thursday, I did a guest post on middle grade fantasy series and shared a handful of my favorites. I'd love for you to stop by there, share some of yours (you'll be entered in a giveaway for a MG fantasy of your choice!) and if you have some time to look around, check out some interviews and other posts. What Jill is doing for MG this month is FABULOUS!
Enjoy your Monday, all. See you next week and for more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday check out some of these guys:
Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway
Today I am going to share the love of EMERALD CASKET.Happy to say I have my own copy of this as I won my pick of a book from Walden Pond Press, who put out consistently good middle grade books. A big thanks to them!
BILLIONAIRE'S CURSE by Richard Newsome started it off. I talked about book one over on Shannon Whitney's blog. (As many of you know, Shannon is the brain mother of MMGM.)
Next in line is EMERALD CASKET and coming out in May is THE MASK OF DESTINY! Love this series oh yes I do.
To get us started here is THE EMERALD CASKET short description from
Thirteen-year-old billionaire Gerald Archer and his friends Ruby and Sam Valentine go on vacation to India, hoping to forget about Mason Green and his diabolical quest, but secrets from Gerald's family history and Green's minions have the trio in trouble again.
Now, doesn't 13 year old _billionaire_ catch your eye? Vacation in India? Diabolical quests? Tie that all in with a writer who knows how to weave a middle grade novel and you have winner number two in this series.
I have it on good authority that his third book, THE MASK OF DESTINY, is his best yet. You gotta love it when a series just gets better and better. And if you have fans of the GREY GRIFFIN series and 39 Clues, to name a couple, I'd say Richard Newsome books are well worth suggesting.
Speaking of middle grade and series I wanted to point you all over to Jill @ The O.W.L. where there is a MONTH LONG (yay!) celebration of middle grade. And, on Thursday, I did a guest post on middle grade fantasy series and shared a handful of my favorites. I'd love for you to stop by there, share some of yours (you'll be entered in a giveaway for a MG fantasy of your choice!) and if you have some time to look around, check out some interviews and other posts. What Jill is doing for MG this month is FABULOUS!
Enjoy your Monday, all. See you next week and for more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday check out some of these guys:
Shannon Whitney Messenger (a.k.a. Fearless Leader)-Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway
Thursday, 15 March 2012
March #wipmadness Check-In Day 16
I swear, there is nothing like a community of writers offering support to each other. We really do spend much of our time alone in front of the computer, with the notebook, researching etc. and etc. I am loving March for this reason. We "get" each other, which is awesome. That's why I loved this video. It was so funny and on point! Plus, it's darn good to have a laugh or ten every now and then! Many of you may have already seen, but just in case you have not here it is.
So, with all that said, here is too some laughter and writerly companionship this weekend. Oh-my fave part of this vid ('cause I know you want to know, lol) is the desperate writer trying to get an internet connection. Yep. That would be me!
Enjoy your weekend all. I am officially on the road to B.C. to visit my daughter and family. Tomorrow's check-in is over on Jaye Robin Brown's Hanging on to Wonder.
By the way, there is still time to sign up, oh yes there is! Head over to Denise Jaden's blog, check out the prizes and giveaways, then join us to finish up the latter half of March!
EDIT TO ADD: Didn't make it to B.C. Hit an ice patch and landed in the ditch after a few truck rolls. Tiny bit shook up, bruising, sore hand, but man oh man I will take that. That was one heck of a scary moment (or two). Just at hotel, got mug of coffee, wrapping head around what I walked out of and my poor truck is totalled. BUT and anyhow. Shall be hanging with you all and once I've processed this all---you can bet...fodder for the writing well. All best everyone!
Edit edited to add-and my precious new macbook air has a couple of dints like me, but still up and running. Can you believe it was the first thing I looked for after I realized I was pretty okay? Yup.
So, with all that said, here is too some laughter and writerly companionship this weekend. Oh-my fave part of this vid ('cause I know you want to know, lol) is the desperate writer trying to get an internet connection. Yep. That would be me!
Enjoy your weekend all. I am officially on the road to B.C. to visit my daughter and family. Tomorrow's check-in is over on Jaye Robin Brown's Hanging on to Wonder.
By the way, there is still time to sign up, oh yes there is! Head over to Denise Jaden's blog, check out the prizes and giveaways, then join us to finish up the latter half of March!
EDIT TO ADD: Didn't make it to B.C. Hit an ice patch and landed in the ditch after a few truck rolls. Tiny bit shook up, bruising, sore hand, but man oh man I will take that. That was one heck of a scary moment (or two). Just at hotel, got mug of coffee, wrapping head around what I walked out of and my poor truck is totalled. BUT and anyhow. Shall be hanging with you all and once I've processed this all---you can bet...fodder for the writing well. All best everyone!
Edit edited to add-and my precious new macbook air has a couple of dints like me, but still up and running. Can you believe it was the first thing I looked for after I realized I was pretty okay? Yup.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
March Madness and some giveaway winners!
March Madness has my new writing habit well in place and must say I'm very glad for that. Two hours a day is all about the writing. Researching, revising, re-imagining characters and the list goes on. When I started working full time the hours in the day reduced drastically and I had to re-vision the writing, blogging, reading. One down and the other two to work out in terms the when and how much. Blogging seems to be leaning towards Sundays, big chunks of reading time on the weekends...more time will tell on that.
Part of the blogging I've been doing includes giveaways, which I love love doing. But. I forgot to announce the winner for one I did a while back (she knows, you all don't). It was part of the Random Acts of Kindness blog hop hosted by I'm a Reader, Not a Writer. The winner was Lexie @ The Book Bug and she picked Crossed by Ally Condie from The Book Depository.
Next up is the winner of the Judith Grave's book Second Skin. This was for commenting on a guest post Judith wrote on finding the your writer's balance. Congratulations out to Linda Jackson. Just waiting to hear back from her.
Part of the blogging I've been doing includes giveaways, which I love love doing. But. I forgot to announce the winner for one I did a while back (she knows, you all don't). It was part of the Random Acts of Kindness blog hop hosted by I'm a Reader, Not a Writer. The winner was Lexie @ The Book Bug and she picked Crossed by Ally Condie from The Book Depository.
Next up is the winner of the Judith Grave's book Second Skin. This was for commenting on a guest post Judith wrote on finding the your writer's balance. Congratulations out to Linda Jackson. Just waiting to hear back from her.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan
Welcome to another episode of : (*imagine deep echoey voice*)
As always a shout out to Shannon Messenger who came up with the idea to give MG the attention it so richly deserves. Speaking of attention another shout out to Jill @ The O.W.L.. All this month is March Middle Grade Madness!
Today I'm sharing the Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. I am thinking many of you are already familiar with it, but just in case some of my newer followers and fans of middle grade fantasy have not...I'm sharing. If you love a hero you can cheer for. A hero you know is a hero before he does and you like high fantasy with some dark and humour, this is for you. It is a perennial favourite of my (former) book club kids, new books in the series snatched up as soon as I put them on the shelf. And read numerous times by those same fans, boys in particular. More from IndieBound on book one, The Ruins of Gorlan:
They have always scared him in the past - the Rangers, with their dark cloaksand shadowy ways. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now 15-year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't yet realize is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied.
I adored Will because he was filled with self doubt and didn't realize his own potential even when we could see it. Plus he was afraid of the very men he he was meant to become one of! It hit me in the heart. The kids who read it loved the action, the dark evil, the battles lost, the friendships made, the battles won. Set that all in a dark ages like setting filled with magic and you have a winner beginning to end. And that's only book one!
That's it from me. I'm also over on Shannon Messenger's blog singing the praises of Silverwing, a novel by one of my favourite Canadian authors. See you over there, too!
For more middle grade love and participants check out some of the following:
Jennifer Rumberger-Children's Author
Joanne Fritz-My Brain on Books
Danika Dinsmore-The Accidental Novelist
Shannon O'Donnell-Book Dreaming
Myrna Foster-The Night Writer
Natalie Aguirre-Literary Rambles
Brooke Favero-Somewhere in the Middle
Ally Beecher- Kid Lit Frenzy
Barbara Watson-Novel and Nouveau
Anita Laydon Miller-her middle grade blog
Michael G-G-Middle Grade Mafioso
Jessica Lei-her blog
Pam Torres-So I'm Fifty
Akoss-Nye Louwon – My Spirit | a search for the writer in me
Gabrielle Prendergast-Angelhorn
Gina Carey
T.L. Conway
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Judith Graves-On Finding Balance in Your Writing Life and Giveaway of Second Skin
Today I am happy to welcome Judith Graves,author of the Skinned series, to my blog. She's here to share her thoughts on finding balance as we blog, write, promote our books, ourselves. It is a tricky thing to do and often I find myself tipping the scales too far one way or the other.
Before I hand over the blog to Judith, though, I want to share a little bit about SECOND SKIN which is the second in her series, Under My Skin, being the first.
The book trailer:
My thoughts:
Just released. Just received a copy from the author...and well. It does not disappoint. In fact I think she upped her game with this one. Smart (a**) heroine with a huge secret (can you say wolven?) that keeps trying to bust out of her skin. She hangs with her friends doing the "usual" stuff- hunting paranorms (demons, vampires, hell spawn, werewolves) while balancing school, relationships and all the fun of living in a small town that seems to be a magnet for all the baddies. The action is fast paced, heart stopping and heart breaking. Judith found a balance in her writing that I found compelling-kind of like the humour and feel of Supernatural (t.v. series). Speaking of T.V. I think this would translate well to the screen.
From Goodreads:
With FIENDS like Eryn…
Monsters. Bloodsuckers. The evil. The damned. Eryn McCain knows they exist— she’s been hunting them since she was a child. At sixteen, she’s ready to take on all comers. Being a shapeshifter gives her an advantage when it comes to her unusual part-time job. The hours suck and the pay is, well, non-existent, but bonuses like inhuman strength and night vision make tracking scary beasties a dream come true. Especially in a town like Redgrave.
When an ancient demon targets Redgrave High, Eryn and her crew of hunters must face their innermost fears to prevent the Harvest Moon Dance from becoming one serious Monster Mash. Loyalties are tested and temptations abound. With questions ever brewing, can Eryn share a future with the brooding, noble, human Alec—the hunter after her heart? Or will she succumb to her enemy’s son, Wade, a seductive predator as bloodthirsty as she is?
What happens when you’re both the beauty and the beast?
Alright. Nuff from me. On with Judith's thoughts about finding balance in your writing life! More about her books and the giveaway at end of post.
From Goodreads:
With FIENDS like Eryn…
Monsters. Bloodsuckers. The evil. The damned. Eryn McCain knows they exist— she’s been hunting them since she was a child. At sixteen, she’s ready to take on all comers. Being a shapeshifter gives her an advantage when it comes to her unusual part-time job. The hours suck and the pay is, well, non-existent, but bonuses like inhuman strength and night vision make tracking scary beasties a dream come true. Especially in a town like Redgrave.
When an ancient demon targets Redgrave High, Eryn and her crew of hunters must face their innermost fears to prevent the Harvest Moon Dance from becoming one serious Monster Mash. Loyalties are tested and temptations abound. With questions ever brewing, can Eryn share a future with the brooding, noble, human Alec—the hunter after her heart? Or will she succumb to her enemy’s son, Wade, a seductive predator as bloodthirsty as she is?
What happens when you’re both the beauty and the beast?
Alright. Nuff from me. On with Judith's thoughts about finding balance in your writing life! More about her books and the giveaway at end of post.
There are several things I struggle with in life. Constructing killer sentences, avoiding chocolate, and finding that elusive beastie known as BALANCE.
Each day of our lives is filled with things we hope to accomplish and while we’re tackling Today, we add a few dozen goals for Tomorrow. To keep us on track we’ve got daytimers, to-do lists, email alerts, and stickie note jungles growing around our laptops/workstations.
If we’re lucky, we might even build in some family / real life / fun time, although that will be penciled in and likely shifted around – or scratched out. Or forgotten.
The life of a young adult author is a frenzied, multi-tasking, social networking event – every single day. However, several years into this gig, I can finally say I think I have a handle on the whole work life versus social life issue.
At least, I do in theory. There are always hitches in my plans for a balanced day, let alone my hopes for a balanced life. But here’s how I attempt the impossible.
I have a schedule. And most days, I live by it. Rigid, you say? OCD? Perhaps, and yet in the few months since I’ve created this schedule I’ve managed to get more pages written, have more down time, and have been able to focus my attention when with my husband / my hyper labs (rather than obsessing over scenes I could be cranking out), and enjoying my other interests (playing guitar, singing/songwriting) than ever before.
If a few days here or there are wonky, so be it. I ALLOW myself to trip occasionally, as long as I get back up, and back on track.
I offer you my writing schedule in hopes that it helps fellow writers, or any other soul floundering in a sea of TO-DOs:
NOTE: 5am wake up time is usual for me, but might seem extreme to others. J
5-8am: breakfast, reading, exercise
8-NOON: update blogs, answer interview questions, write guest posts/articles, update social media (FB/Twitter, etc.)
NOON-1pm: lunch – play with the pups / take them to mailbox
1-4pm: write (daily goal 3 pages can be on one or spread over multiple projects)
Evening: research, watch film/TV, outline, brainstorm…and live a little.
Thanks so much for doing this for us, Judith. Love your writing day schedule and how you do allow yourself the trip ups, but always get back in the saddle...or should say back in the boat! Now, if you'd liked to learn a little more about her, here are the places to go:
Steampunk series:
To win a copy of Judith's book all I ask is that you comment. If you'd leave some thoughts, tips, techniques on how you find your balance, it will get you another entry. Contest is open until midnight on Monday. Open to U.S. and Canada.
Enjoy your day everyone!
Enjoy your day everyone!
Thursday, 8 March 2012
March Madness Day 9 Check-in
As I've been reading how everyone's been doing I'm heartened to see a recurring notion. We get that it's always important keep moving forward. If one day doesn't go so well, we get up and start over the next or know the weekend (or evening, or...pick your best time) is on the way so we can sit down and get even more done. There is also an awareness that, yep, life happens. It gets in the way. So, what do we do? We deal as we need, then step back into the March Madness. It all boils down to moving forward and knowing that each word, each bit of time, each page written or read is moving us towards achieving our goals.
I kind of like how Stephen King put it (and this can be applied to reading that book, writing that post, re-designing that blog, completing that illustration).
“When asked, "How do you write?" I invariably answer, "One word at a time," and the answer is invariably dismissed. But that is all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. ” Stephen King
Onward, I say! One stone at a time Wipsters, one stone at a time. Speaking of, how'd it go this week? I am managing at least two hours each day for blogging, reading, writing. AND-on the writing, I am doing it long hand. _Loving_ it.
Tomorrow's check-in is over at Jaye Robin Brown's blog HANGING ON TO WONDER. See y'all there and on twitter (#wipmadness). Still time to sign up on Denise Jaden's blog!
I kind of like how Stephen King put it (and this can be applied to reading that book, writing that post, re-designing that blog, completing that illustration).
“When asked, "How do you write?" I invariably answer, "One word at a time," and the answer is invariably dismissed. But that is all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. ” Stephen King
Onward, I say! One stone at a time Wipsters, one stone at a time. Speaking of, how'd it go this week? I am managing at least two hours each day for blogging, reading, writing. AND-on the writing, I am doing it long hand. _Loving_ it.
Tomorrow's check-in is over at Jaye Robin Brown's blog HANGING ON TO WONDER. See y'all there and on twitter (#wipmadness). Still time to sign up on Denise Jaden's blog!
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Marvelous Grade Monday-Dangerous Waters: An Adventure on the Titanic by Gregory Mone
Yay! Time for another MMGM (brainchild of Shannon Messenger). And I am telling you I loved the book I am about to talk about. Wanted to start reading it all over again when I finished it, actually. 'Course have about a billion other books on my TBR to get to so that will have to wait. Sigh, it is a tough job we have, eh? Reading all these books (not!).
Thanks to Raincoast Books (Canadian Distributor) and Roaring Brook I was provided with an ARC of DANGEROUS WATERS by Gregory Mone. This book will be released MARCH 13! Read and fell in love with it yesterday. It's full of adventure, mystery, attempted murder, crazy stowaway, theft of a valuable rare book and the kind of hero, twelve year old Patrick Waters, you want to cheer for from the beginning. In other words great kid appeal and bang on middle grade feel. And, it's set on the Titanic! Also, needless to say, this is one for middle grade fans of anything Titanic and those who love historical fiction and ones whole love danger, adventure and running for your life. And. (really, could I use anymore "ands"?) The author crosses a number of genres and does it well. I think one thing that could have happened (but did not) is the larger than life setting (after all it is the Titanic) could have overshadowed fictional characters and plot. The author does an amazing job of ensuring that the ship and the real-life characters are only the backdrop or the canvas, if you will, but included enough to make you always aware of just where you were and where the ship was heading. The ship is on a collision course with an iceberg and the MC is on a collision course with that crazy, murderous stowaway.
More from Indie Bound: A stowaway, a stolen book, a murderous villain: an adventure on the most famous shipwreck in history. The great ocean liner Titanic is preparing to cross the Atlantic. On board is a sinister thief bent on stealing a rare book that may be the key to unlocking infinite treasure, a wealthy academic traveling home to America with his rare book collection, and Patrick Waters, a twelve-year-old Irish boy who is certain that his job as a steward on the unsinkable ship will be the adventure of a lifetime. Disguises, capers, and danger abound as the ship makes its way toward that fateful iceberg where Patrick will have to summon all his wits in order to survive.
More Middle Grade Marvelous to be found:
Jill at O.W.L is running a entire month of Middle Grade fun!
List of regular participants in Marvelous Middle Grade Monday
That's it from me. Enjoy the rest of your Monday, all!
Thanks to Raincoast Books (Canadian Distributor) and Roaring Brook I was provided with an ARC of DANGEROUS WATERS by Gregory Mone. This book will be released MARCH 13! Read and fell in love with it yesterday. It's full of adventure, mystery, attempted murder, crazy stowaway, theft of a valuable rare book and the kind of hero, twelve year old Patrick Waters, you want to cheer for from the beginning. In other words great kid appeal and bang on middle grade feel. And, it's set on the Titanic! Also, needless to say, this is one for middle grade fans of anything Titanic and those who love historical fiction and ones whole love danger, adventure and running for your life. And. (really, could I use anymore "ands"?) The author crosses a number of genres and does it well. I think one thing that could have happened (but did not) is the larger than life setting (after all it is the Titanic) could have overshadowed fictional characters and plot. The author does an amazing job of ensuring that the ship and the real-life characters are only the backdrop or the canvas, if you will, but included enough to make you always aware of just where you were and where the ship was heading. The ship is on a collision course with an iceberg and the MC is on a collision course with that crazy, murderous stowaway.
More from Indie Bound: A stowaway, a stolen book, a murderous villain: an adventure on the most famous shipwreck in history. The great ocean liner Titanic is preparing to cross the Atlantic. On board is a sinister thief bent on stealing a rare book that may be the key to unlocking infinite treasure, a wealthy academic traveling home to America with his rare book collection, and Patrick Waters, a twelve-year-old Irish boy who is certain that his job as a steward on the unsinkable ship will be the adventure of a lifetime. Disguises, capers, and danger abound as the ship makes its way toward that fateful iceberg where Patrick will have to summon all his wits in order to survive.
More Middle Grade Marvelous to be found:
Jill at O.W.L is running a entire month of Middle Grade fun!
List of regular participants in Marvelous Middle Grade Monday
That's it from me. Enjoy the rest of your Monday, all!
March Madness-Rethinking Goals
A few days into March Madness I realized that I really need to add in my reading and blogging to go with the goal of rewriting HAPPY MEDIUM from scratch. So! Here I go with that. Off the top of my mad head:
-carry on with Marvelous Middle Grade Monday's. Reading middle grade novels and writing posts to go up every monday. I'd like to try and get ahead of the game and have posts ready to go one or two weeks in advance.
-carry on reading and commenting on the blogs I follow. Up the time to one hour per day. I tried half hour and that was just not enough time
-start new feature called YA ROUNDTABLE. Inspired by a group of writer friends I lunch with. We talk books, exchange books. I can't go as often but I can still share the books I would tell them about if I could go. When possible we'd try to get the round table at one of the restaurants we go to. Most of the ladies I hang with a YA writers (mix of published and not). Hence...YA ROUNDTABLE for a feature.
-get to scheduling more OH MG YA CANADA posts for March and April in preparation for my OH MG YA CANADA week long reading challenge end of April.
-get blog re-designed in terms of content and for gorsh durn sakes get tags organized and consistent (I mean really!)
-ARC's get caught up with the back log, especially NET GALLEY.
-books authors provided for review (have a couple)
Realistically some of this will spill into April, but I shooting for the stars so I can land on the moon!
-carry on with Marvelous Middle Grade Monday's. Reading middle grade novels and writing posts to go up every monday. I'd like to try and get ahead of the game and have posts ready to go one or two weeks in advance.
-carry on reading and commenting on the blogs I follow. Up the time to one hour per day. I tried half hour and that was just not enough time
-start new feature called YA ROUNDTABLE. Inspired by a group of writer friends I lunch with. We talk books, exchange books. I can't go as often but I can still share the books I would tell them about if I could go. When possible we'd try to get the round table at one of the restaurants we go to. Most of the ladies I hang with a YA writers (mix of published and not). Hence...YA ROUNDTABLE for a feature.
-get to scheduling more OH MG YA CANADA posts for March and April in preparation for my OH MG YA CANADA week long reading challenge end of April.
-get blog re-designed in terms of content and for gorsh durn sakes get tags organized and consistent (I mean really!)
-ARC's get caught up with the back log, especially NET GALLEY.
-books authors provided for review (have a couple)
Realistically some of this will spill into April, but I shooting for the stars so I can land on the moon!
Friday, 2 March 2012
March Madness Friday Check-In
Greetings all! This is going to be a rather quick check-in post. Had a computer issue that left me scrambling a bit to get a post put to you. Here is to all of us up and runnin like mad. Writing, blogging, reading, or all three! How did your first day go? Mine was interesting. Have a mentor in my wip. She was good. Until, as I started digging into her backstory, I realized she is in fact bad. Very very...BAD. Happy Friday! I am off to calmly calmy figure out what up with computer.
If you are interested in still signing up, there is time. Head over to Denise Jaden's blog and read all about it.
And here is the list of your weekend check in hosts.
Saturdays – Jaye Robin Brown
Sundays – Shari Green will host at
Okay. I am done talking. This time for sure. All best as you write, read 'n' blog into the weekend.
If you are interested in still signing up, there is time. Head over to Denise Jaden's blog and read all about it.
And here is the list of your weekend check in hosts.
Saturdays – Jaye Robin Brown
Sundays – Shari Green will host at
Okay. I am done talking. This time for sure. All best as you write, read 'n' blog into the weekend.
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Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...
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Greetings to all of you making the rounds for the Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop (Dec. 2nd to 6th). Shout out and thanks to Kid Lit ...