Wednesday 14 September 2011

Illustrator Wednesday-Lincoln Agnew plus giveaway of HARRY AND HORSIE

Welcome to Illustrator Wednesday!

So many illustrators I admire it is hard to pick one. But, pick one I will. And that one is Lincoln Agnew, the illustrator off the ultra fabulous Harry and Horsie by Kate Van Camp.

I adore the retro illustrations of this book. The colors, the feel--perfect for the story told and a great add to your picture book collection. They draw you into space (literally) and an adventure you and your young listeners will want to return to again and again.

Here is an interview with him in preparation for an upcoming conference in Calgary. A conference I am attending. Will do my best to not go fan girl when I get my copy of Harry and Horsie signed.

If you have a feature, interview, special blog post, favorite illustrator you want to share, just leave a comment and throughout the day I will be sure to return and update this post.

Faith Hough stopped by to share her love of  Deborah Freedman, author/illustrator of Scribble, and the new book Blue Chicken!

Nichole shared a video interview with Rob Ryan.

Even In Australia recommended Elisa Kleven and her book The Lion and the Little Red Bird in particular.

Camille at A Curious Thing invites us to check out Helen Oxenbury's latest book.

Jeff Barger stopped by to share a review of Magic Trash which has fantastic illustrations by Vanessa Brantley-Newton. Some of the best he's seen this year!

And finally, from The Book Chook, a review of her new favorite picture book this week. 

Happy Illustrator Wednesday! And...

GIVEAWAY! If you comment and share a favorite illustrator you will be entered to win Harry and Horsie. Canada and U.S. only and you have until Midnight (mst) tonight.


  1. One of my favorite illustrators is Deborah Freedman, author/illustrator of Scribble, and the new book Blue Chicken!

  2. Not sure if you are looking for a fresh post but I loved this video interview with Rob Ryan and shared it awhile back on my blog:

    I think it's great to be able to actually get a behind-the-scene peek at his technique.

  3. I love Elisa Kleven, particularly her book The Lion and the Little Red Bird. Just gorgeous.

  4. I love Helen Oxenbury's illustrations. I posted this morning about her new book - King Jack and the Dragon - it has great illustrations!

  5. Yesterday I posted a review of Magic Trash which has fantastic illustrations by Vanessa Brantley-Newton. Some of the best I've seen this year.

  6. I reviewed my new favourite picture book this week: This is one of those writer/illustrator partnerships that works wonderfully!

  7. Thanks for commenting and sharing everyone! I've updated the post and am now off to take at look at your reccomends AND congrats to Not Even Australia, comment number 3 and the random org pick to win HARRY AND HORSIE.



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