I did not get around on the Best of Summer Kid Lit Hop as much as I wanted to, but really appreciate everyone who hopped by here to check out a couple of my favourite summer reads. Did the Random Org "thing" and the number was 28 and that commenter was:
Katie from http://youthlitreviews.com/ ! Congrats to Katie and thanks again to all who stopped by.
Now on to a rather delayed post. This is one I have been thinking on since mid-august while I was still running the Summer Reading Club. For that club I had an average of 17 9-12 year olds who came twice a week for two hours. We shared books, crafted, played games, did creative drama-ate! One of those kids was a 12 year old boy who loves to read Gordon Korman, who loves Holes, who read and loved-Hoot and Chomp by Carl Hissan. It was recommendation heaven for me because as I named off other books...he had not yet read them! Some of the books he took from me and loved are:
Wednesday Wars (an all time favorite of mine) by Gary D. Schmidt

Scat by Carl Hissan (well, I was pretty sure he would like this one!)

But when the principal tries to tell the students that Mrs. Starch has been called away on a "family emergency," Nick and Marta just don't buy it. No, they figure the class delinquent, Smoke, has something to do with her disappearance.
And he does! But not in the way they think. There's a lot more going on in Black Vine Swamp than any one player in this twisted tale can see. And Nick and Marta will have to reckon with an eccentric eco-avenger, a stuffed rat named Chelsea, a wannabe Texas oilman, a singing substitute teacher, and a ticked-off Florida panther before they really begin to see the big picture.
Adventures of Bean Boy by Lisa Harkrader (incredible blend of humour and issues many kids face)
Tucker McBean enters a contest to win a scholarship to college to enable his mother to quit her job so she can go to school. He has always loved to draw comics so when there is a contest to create a sidekick to a comic book hero, he is a natural to enter. He creates Beanboy who achieves power through the bean.
Al Capone Does My Shirts (what a concept, what characters, what voice!) Gennifer Choldenko

Plunked by Michael Northrop (the way to story unfolded to show the MC's growing fear was really well done)

Sixth grader Jack Mogens has it all figured out: He's got his batting routine down, and his outfielding earns him a starting spot alongside his best friend Andy on their Little League team, the Tall Pines Braves. He even manages to have a not-totally-embarrassing conversation with Katie, the team's killer shortstop. But in the first game of the season, a powerful stray pitch brings everything Jack's worked so hard for crashing down around his ears. How can he explain to his parents and friends why he WON'T be playing? Readers will root for Jack as he finds the courage to step back up to the plate.
I have more, many more to recommend to him, including Neil Armstrong Was My Uncle, The Fourth Stall...Okay for Now, Dead End in Norvelt, and Wonder and....well, the list goes on. If you have any you'd like me pass on do let me know!
That is it from me. Next week back into more full sharing and thoughts on some of the middle grade I have been reading, but really wanted to share what I've been sharing with one of my young patrons. Ta for now and do head back over to Shannon Messenger's for more MMGM love!
I've read three of these books, WEDNESDAY WARS, SCAT, and AL CAPONE DOES MY SHIRTS. And I loved them all. Glad to hear your student loved them too.
ReplyDeleteHe might like LIAR & SPY by Rebecca Stead, GEEKS, GIRLS AND SECRET IDENTITIES by Mike Jung, and WARP SPEED by Lisa Yee. You could even try books by Jordan Sonnenblick -- sort of older MG/younger YA.
If he liked Wednesday Wars, he will probably like Okay for Now. I liked it even more than Wednesday Wars. Of course, it may have been the baseball connection. I like anything baseball. I also really liked Plunked. He might like Pinch Hit -- sort of a baseball update of The Prince and the Pauper. And he might also like the Baseball Card Adventures series by Dan Gutman.
ReplyDeleteSchool librarian = amazing job! I've loved all of Gary Schmidt's novels.
ReplyDeleteI remember wanting to read The Wednesday Wars, and then it fell off my radar.
Haha, I was just stopping in to see if you had posted about your first few weeks at school. So glad it's going awesome!! :)