Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Blog Break is Over, Over


I took a tad longer than I thought. Finding that balance between working full time {more on the job later}, writing, reading and blogging is tricky. Many do it and do it really well. I'm a still workin' on. But the fact is I love it all. The new job, the writing, the reading, the blogging.

The blogging balance is the trickiest. I sure wish I could do it all. But. I can't.  So am returning with just three features. Two old, Oh MG/YA Canada and MMGM. One new {for me}, Perfect Picture Book Friday.

So-let the blogging begin. Whoa. It. Is. GOOD to be back! Looking forward to some blog reading and writing, I must say.


  1. Yay! I've missed you, Deb! Glad you took time to find what works, and I'm sure you'll adjust things along the way to find what's just right.

  2. Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your blog break!

    I absolutely agree--finding a blog balance has been quite difficult for me, especially now that it's summer.

    1. Thanks thanks! Yes on the enjoy-and I know on Summer, eh?

  3. Glad you're back. And I can so relate to the juggle of blogging, working full-time and writing. So not trying to do too much blogging is smart. I've been blogging twice a week the last 6 weeks and it feels like a lot.

    1. We are in the same blogging boat...and yep yep yep on the two times per week. What I am thinking of trying to do is get ahead on the posts--or set posts ahead each month--or--something, lol!

  4. welcome back! i hope you had a productive yet restful break :)

    i'm less than a year into blogging, and i definitely find the balance tricky.

    1. Thanks, Gina! Productive and restful both. Balancing is definitely an act I am working on!

  5. Welcome back, and happy blogging! :)

    1. Thanks, G. I am soooo looking forward to getting back into the swing!

  6. Welcome back, Deb! Great to see you. ^_^

    1. Thanks! Great to be back--and will be especially great to hang out most of this weekend, reading, writing {including future blog posts}...need to get me checked in on some #wipmadness!

  7. So is this "new job" the one at the daycare, or is there a new new job? Good to hear from you again :)



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