Wednesday 17 August 2011


Yesterday, between packing and cleaning and writing and library programming, I stopped in and spent time at the FREE writing conference, Write On Con. I think most of you already know about it, but if you do not, it is so worth checking out. It is just like going to a full on conference (I've been to the SCWBI Western Washington Conference four years running and it is made of awesome). There are like minded writers, authors, agents, editors--all passionate about the written word, learning the craft, publishing books. And that is what I love...the passion. I listened to a vlog yesterday (two agents and an editor) and you could so see their love of books and this industry we are in. Leaves me so inspired to keep on trying for publication, but more to just keep on writing my stories and like Beth Revis said in her vlog-Never Give Up-a story written is a success, always. Here is the link:

And I LOVE my new phone, it's on an android operating system and I can use it as a portable hotspot and I have a 6gb data plan at a crazy good prize. So, hopefully I can get back to blogging sooner than later.

Now--I really should get going and I promise I will not use any more ANDs in my writing today.

Enjoy the day all and for those of you at WriteOnCon, happy learning and connecting!

Deborand Marshand (oopsies).


  1. AND... I agree with you, Deb(orand). The sort of passion and energy at conferences is contagious. WriteOnCom is awesome!

  2. Hi Deb, I tried to send you an email but it didn't get through because it says that the email no longer exists. So I just wanted to leave you a comment to let you know that a book (Brigitta of the White Forest) that I've won from your blog giveaway a few months back never reached its destination as I've never received it. I think it's probably lost in the mail by now.

    Just wanted to let you know. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Thanks, Michael...and I agree back, lol!

    Winnie I am going to email you---yes it must be lost, have another one that is lost too. Thanks for getting a hold of me!



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