Sunday, 3 February 2013

See You in March!

Greetings everyone.

 A deadline approaches for completed the next set of Early Childhood Ed. courses I am taking, so with working full-time and other writing endeavors the blog move on down the totem pole.

Will be back in March for some MMGM, March Madness as inspired by Denise Jaden and get going on some picture book and storytelling features. Now that I am back at the daycare the kids and I have been reading picture books like mad, telling and re-telling folktales and generally playing with story. Been a whole lot of fun I must say! Love hanging with the preschool crowd because they are all kinds of cool.

I've been writing more and more non-fiction and have to say, as some you've heard endlessly, I kind of LOVE it. Also hoping the next round of revision requests on the non-fiction book I'm working on will come in sometime in the next couple weeks, so I can carry on with that. Putting together a package to snail mail to Capstone, too. Love that their products and books. Gush, gush!

Will still be reading blogs and checking in on twitter. I learn from and am inspired  by so many writers, teachers, librarians, editors, agents  and more that not reading and keeping up would be too many missed opportunities to grow and get better at what I do, plus love making all those connections for literacy that I can use in my classroom.

Happy fast approaching Valentine's Day and Family Day...heck, Happy February and see y'all in March.


Over the last while there has been a hashtag you may have seen about called Read the North. It's a campaign encouraging people to read C...